Friday, September 4, 2015

Today's News

Gail Kim talks WWE diva revolution:

"I made a comment on Twitter that we've been doing it all along, but that was not to bash any other company at all. I think it's great what they're doing. I've been waiting for them to do that for years now. I think it's great. I think they have a really great group of talent, especially the girls that have come up through NXT. I wish Nattie was a part of it because I don't see how see she can't fit into the equation. She should have been in there from day one. They just have a really good core group of girls. I really like Sasha [Banks]. I know she is a fan favorite. I just love what they've been doing. It's so funny I saw a match I thought, 'That's so like TNA knockouts style.' They are bringing it to another level, and I love it. I the saw Sasha and Bayley match. I just loved the psychology and the crowd was into ii. It was great. Now I just feel they are doing it on the main stage. I think they really need storylines and characters. They can do what we're doing. TNA is very good about pushing individual girls and letting them stand alone and develop their characters and stories that way. I think fans can connect on a deeper level. Just throwing three girls against three girls out there, it's great they are giving them more time. Now they need to give them the storylines and so forth."

Paige vs Road Dogg:

A backstage spat which led to her removal from a TV loop will be covered by Total Diva's this week, here is a taste of what Paige told Emma about an argument she had with Road Dogg Jesse James...

"I was just like hot. So I walked away and go, 'Okay well I'm gonna go get my head up my ass then.' I just got taken off of the shows and the live events. I think it's a punishment."

Austin slams WWE / Stephen Amell:

Steve Austin is not happy with WWE using celebrities, naming Stephen Amell, who recently competed at SummerSlam, in the ring...

"I just don't like the celebrities coming in there, the squared circle, and being able to compete at any level with the guys in the business." You've got to protect some integrity of the business. I don't care what day and age, what year it is. It was what it was, but I just got a hard time seeing that kid come off with that crossbody on the top rope on two WWE guys down there [on the floor]."

He called the whole match embarrassing, and sympathised with Stardust and Barrett...

"So was it embarrassing? You're damn right it was, but for the wrong reasons and the reasons [were] bad booking. It was for a shoot embarrassing to those guys to have to go out there and do that with the actor guy involved, but that's on a shoot level, so it was an embarrassment to the booking and I felt bad for those guys because they were in that role."

Great Khali:

Great Khali is currently recording a movie in India.


Horror icon Jennifer Tilly has joined the calls for Chyna to be inducted into the WWE Hall Of Fame.

Push for tag team:

The Ascension have been put into a faction with Stardust, they are called Cosmic Wasteland.

Stephanie McMahon:

Stephanie McMahon sold $2,000,000 worth of her WWE shares this week.

WWE hire TE loser?:

After attending this weeks TV's Amanda flew straight to Orlando, and reported to the PC for training. WWE have expressed interest in signing her, it seems they may have got their girl.

WWE MSG special:

Chris Jericho will be accompanied by Lance Storm and The Jackyl as he celebrates 25 years in the sport, at the next WWE Network special.

NXT injury:

Peyton injured her knee at a live last night.

Alum's may return if...:

Rey Mysterio and Alberto Del Rio will only return to WWE on a much reduced schedule than is the norm. Neither man needs to come back, as they are both making decent bank on the indie scene, but are waiting on the future of LU, which still has not been confirmed for a second series. John Morrison also says that should the expansion be dropped, he would consider a second WWE run.

PTP furious with WWE:

Darren Young and Titus O'Neill have admitted they were not happy that they were split by WWE, as the angle came out of nowhere, and had no purpose. They were especially critical with how little was done with them after the split, they had a singles match at a PPV, but neither went on to have a push, and Titus ended up back in a tag team after a couple of months, while Young was injured shortly after the break up and went off the road to rehab.

PWI 500:

The number one wrestler of 2015 has been named as Seth Rollins by PWI, who are celebrating their 25th year.

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