Monday, September 7, 2015

Today's News

WWE toys:

WWE have named Paige as the fastest selling action figure of the year so far.

WWE live:

Axl Rotten was in the crowd for a sparsely attended WWE live over the weekend.

TNA dead in a year:

Honky Tonk Man says he will be amazed if TNA are still around next year, but he also said they wouldn't survive for their first year, and they proved him wrong in the past, they will hope they can again in 2016.

Former TNA champ Gunner also took a shot, saying now he is free of the promotion he no longer has to worry about late paycheques.

Vince Russo has again said that Dixie Carter is doing more harm than good.

Online spat:

Tom Prichard has upset Sunny. He was asked about her troubled life, and answered frankly...

"I'm responsible for me, you're responsible for you, Sunny is responsible for Sunny. She's had a lot of things happen in her life but when we were together, as a team and with Chris, she could be a pretty nasty person. Just not a nice person. I don't wish bad or harm or negativity towards anybody whatsoever, but you gotta believe sometimes karma does bite you in the ass. I don't like what's happened to Sunny, don't think anybody should have to go through that but if you've been to rehab more than 5 times, there's a little part in there where they talk about those poor unfortunate souls that can't be saved. There is a part in there, I know because I've been three times. I get it, I understand. Sunny has to help Sunny. If its got to be under supervision, she needs supervision. She needs help, she needs to go to meetings, she needs people around her. She needs a sponsor, she needs support. But you've got to want it and you have to want to do it. I feel bad for her but at the same time, you get what you sow sometimes. And that's a bad thing. I don't' wish her any harm but you know what, she wasn't a very nice lady."

She responded to the interview angrily...

"Finding out more and more how FAKE some people have been to my face for a 20 year period, whom I thought were friends, almost family. That's OK. Just WAIT til you see how I AM to YOUR face the next time I see you..... Not gonna be pretty. The LAST thing I am is fake or phony to anyone.. Everyone that knows ME knows that. I'm brutally honest, and tell it like it is. If I don't like you, I don't have a relationship with you. Period. I don't act like your friend, because I'm not."

Bret speaks out:

Bret Hart has given a forthright interview to the Fight Network, highlights...

On Roddy Piper...

"Roddy's a really hard one; that's like losing a brother. I can't say I've gotten over it. If anything, I haven't even really absorbed it yet. I find myself reaching for the phone all the time to give Roddy a call. He was so much more than any of the other wrestlers who worked with me. He was a guy that mentored me and helped me in the very beginning of my career. He gave me advice back at a time when nobody was giving advice to me. Always good advice. When I wrestled him at WrestleMania VIII, I look back at those times – Mr. Perfect would be another one – there's a few guys who would reach down and help pull someone like me up to the next level. You can take your Jake Roberts and your Hulk Hogans and your Ultimate Warriors and a lot of these guys that were big names back then, but they never did anything for me. They never helped me, they never thought of helping me, and when they had a chance to help me they never did. But Roddy Piper was a guy that looked after guys like me, and a lot of the younger talent when the opportunity came for him to help make my career and pull me up to the next level. I owe a lot to Roddy Piper."

On the ''Cancerous'' Kliq...

"They were literally a cancer in the dressing room, all of them. I don't doubt that Shawn Michaels is sorry for a lot of that kind of behaviour. Kevin Nash was a great wrestler and a good guy, but I don't think he could be that proud of that association. It was a cancerous environment in the dressing room with those guys and they certainly did more negative than positive to the business. Scott Hall, all you have to do is just look at him. He's a train-wreck with his own life and he was a malcontent, or a guy that when you were close to him long enough you start to feel the same way he did; you just felt so self-destructive and unhappy with your life and your job and everything. He was a guy that was infectious with his bad, bad sort of moods and unhappiness in his own life that would spread to all the other wrestlers. And you know, I'm glad I'm not remembered for that kind of stuff. I'm remembered – I think if you talk to different wrestlers from that era, the Savio Vegas and those kinds of wrestlers that were on my cards – they're all pretty proud of how I conducted myself, how I related to them and how I may have been the top guy but I didn't act like a superstar; not to my friends and not to my peers."

On the new Owen DVD...

"I'm looking forward to it but I'm not really optimistic that it's going to be a great job. Martha [Hart, Owen's widow] handcuffed them so much. I don't know if they're even allowed to use any pictures from the past. It's a poorly done DVD because of all the restraints and the limitations that Martha put on it. To me, that's such a lousy thing to have happen. I think Owen would turn in his grave if he knew how much trouble Martha has gone to erase his career and make sure that nobody enjoys anything about his career today. It's a bitterness and selfishness that I can't stand by anymore. I think Martha's taken the wrong approach and she should understand that, you know, we all miss Owen. I lost a brother, I lost a great friend and maybe one of the closest people I knew on this earth. I want to celebrate his career, I want to watch his matches back – not just with me, but with everybody he worked with. His time with WWE, they got so much footage and so many great memories with Owen, and here she is standing in the way of that saying, "Nobody can see these videos. No one should see anything that brings back any of his career." […] They couldn't use any pictures from his childhood, they couldn't use anything from Stampede Wrestling. They had so many restraints. Even the interviews, the questions that they did with me were so bulls--t. The whole thing was so bulls--t that sure, there's an Owen Hart DVD, but it's the s--ts. […] I think WWE maybe had good intentions, but I'm not very impressed with the quality that it's going to be. I haven't seen it, I'm not optimistic but I'm hoping that it'll be better than I think. But I could tell by the questions that they asked me and the interview that they did with me that it was a very short version of [Owen's story]. I'm not really gonna hold up hope that it's gonna be as great as it should be, and I feel bad because that's Martha's fault."

Dana White clarifies why he used the ''F'' word...

"Listen, try to do anything today without pissing people off. Try it. I mean anything you say people get mad, you just gotta not care and I don't care. Anything you say on Twitter or Instagram or anywhere these days every week I have a different group mad at me so you know it's always something, but it's still the world we live in today. My Twitter and social media has been exactly the same since the day I got on it and one of the things, you said it best, the more successful you become, the bigger something gets, the harder it is to be yourself and to really speak honestly because somebody ends up getting mad. You literally just have to get to the point where you just don't care who gets mad and that's that's that's how I am. I've had my, you know, my battles with Vince [McMahon] behind the scenes with some stuff that we've worked on but I respect all the guys in the WWE in the wrestling profession. We have so many guys that are that are fans of the UFC and when they come to the events we take very good care of 'em, we treat 'em with respect, I have yet to meet a bad guy from the wrestling world. Everybody is really classy and everybody's really cool. My wrestling thing was just a response to an idiot on social media that was talking smack so I kind of gave him a zinger back and the whole wrestling world went crazy on me. But it is what it is, to be honest with you I really don't care."

Raw teaser:

  • Will Charlotte get her early title match?
  • Can Reigns and Ambrose even the playing field?
  • Expect further testimony from The Dudley Boyz
  • What's next for Dolph Ziggler, Lana, Rusev and Summer Rae?
  • How will Seth Rollins find his way out of the Night of Champions mess — or can he?

Steve Austin will interview Edge & Christian backstage, Kane's return has been pushed back a week, and Amanda of TE is backstage again.


Lana was hurt over the weekend, and missed Sundays's live as a result. She has a deformity to her wrist, suffered during an in ring training session. She was training for her first match, but will now be on the bench for at least four months.


Another batch of characters have been confirmed, here is the new list...

  • Billy Gunn
  • Bret Hart
  • The British Bulldog
  • Cactus Jack
  • Christian
  • Damien Sandow
  • Dude Love
  • D-Lo Brown
  • Faarooq
  • Haku
  • The Honky Tonk Man
  • Jake Roberts
  • Jim Neidhart
  • Kama Mustafa
  • Ken Shamrock
  • Mankind
  • Paul Wight
  • Rikishi
  • Shane McMahon
  • Shawn Michaels
  • Vader
  • Vince McMahon
  • X-Pac
  • Aiden English
  • Batista
  • Chris Jericho
  • Curtis Axel
  • Dean Ambrose
  • Edge
  • Erick Rowan
  • Fandango
  • JBL
  • Luke Harper
  • Randy Savage
  • Natalya
  • Rick Rude
  • R-Truth
  • Ryback
  • Santino Marella
  • Sgt. Slaughter
  • Simon Gotch
  • The Undertaker
  • Diamond Dallas Page
  • Alicia Fox
  • Cesaro
  • Tyson Kidd
  • Cameron
  • Big Show
  • Bam Bam Bigelow
  • Darren Young
  • Dolph Ziggler
  • Finlay
  • Layla
  • Kevin Nash
  • Lex Luger
  • The Miz
  • Naomi
  • Randy Orton
  • Sheamus
  • Titus O'Neil
  • Adam Rose
  • Neville
  • Bo Dallas
  • Brie Bella
  • Brock Lesnar
  • Goldust
  • Heath Slater
  • Hideo Itami
  • Jack Swagger
  • Kevin Owens
  • Nikki Bella
  • Ric Flair
  • Sami Zayn
  • Roman Reigns
  • Stardust
  • Sting
  • Tyler Breeze
  • The Ultimate Warrior
  • Zack Ryder
  • Booker T
  • Colonel Mustafa
  • Emma
  • Eva Marie
  • General Adnan
  • Kalisto
  • Kane
  • Lord Steven Regal
  • Sin Cara
  • Summer Rae
  • Tamina Snuka
  • Triple H
  • Steve Austin
  • Seth Rollins
  • Daniel Bryan
  • Dean Ambrose
  • Bad News Barrett
  • Paige
  • Finn Balor
  • Alexa Bliss
  • The Rock
  • Andre the Giant

WWE re-edit edit:

WWE have reinstated the middle finger by Brock Lesnar to SummerSlam replays.

Jericho on Diva's:

Chris Jericho says the diva revolution is not working, and it is not the fault of the wrestlers, but lays the blame at WWE's door. He says they are trying to do too much too soon, and should allow the fans, wrestlers, and angles to grow more naturally. He praised the ladies, saying they are all talented enough to make it work, but WWE aren't helping them.

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