Wednesday, September 16, 2015

Today's News


Bram has been released from jail. He will be in court to answer domestic battery charges on September 21.  He denies the accusations against him, but has been banned from contacting his victim, and remains suspended by TNA.

WWE want ROH star:

Jay Lethal is reputedly high on the WWE must get list, he responded to the rumours today...

"I'll say also if that is true, I'm honored. To be wanted in professional wrestling, that's all a wrestler can really ask for. Just to be wanted, it's a great feeling. So if that's true, I'm honored. I haven't heard anything about that myself. Would you work for WWE? I've answered this question before. To me the answer is still the same."

The Shield:

Randy Orton and Erick Rowan have been ruled out as the mystery partner of Ambrose & Reigns at Night Of Champions. Kane and Chris Jericho are the most likely alternatives.

SmackDown SPOILERS!!!:

  • Becky Lynch & Paige vs Naomi & Sasha Banks.
  • Dudley Boyz vs New Day.
  • Big Show vs Cesaro.
  • Dolph Ziggler vs Kevin Owens.
  • Dean Ambrose & Roman Reigns vs Seth Rollins & Sheamus.

Del Rio vs Punk:

Alberto Del Rio says he would like to face CM Punk in UFC...

"Punk is a great athlete, he's been training to do this for a while. Even before he left WWE, he was already doing jiu jitsu and Thai boxing. He was just doing it to be in shape, back then he didn't know that he was going to be in the UFC one day. Now he's taking his time and he's getting ready. He's smart. I'm sure the promoters would like to put him in the cage already because they know he's going to sell PPVs. Phil is a really smart person. He's going to be for sure. There are people saying that he's not going to fight, and it was just a promotion to get people to watch UFC, but it's not. He's fighting for sure. I can't tell you the specific date, because I know he's getting ready and he wants to do well. He wants to have a career in MMA."

Adam Rose debuts new gimmick:

Adam Rose is now called The Party Pooper. He wrestled last night on Main Event, his opponent Damien Sandow returned to his original attire, with the blue robe, for the match.


Paige has confirmed her engagement to a musician.

WWE Alum takes swipe at WWE:

Justin Roberts told Jim Ross...

"The mentality is you can't take time off and you have to keep going because if you do, you're going to get heat and they're going to put someone else in your place. And when you finally do take a vacation, it's not like, 'oh, enjoy yourself! You really earned a break!'. They kind of don't acknowledge it and you come back in and probably end up getting ribbed for taking time off."

Jarrett sells out for HOF:

Jeff Jarrett no longer holds any stake of ownership in TNA. He sold his remaining shares to Dixie Carter during the negotiations over his return, and Hall Of Fame induction. It was apparently a condition of his induction.

Sting talks WWE frustrations:

''To be straight with you, no. Although, man, if presented to me, I would wanna walk through that door, because there's so many new, young, incredibly talented people – Seth being the best, I believe, as far as creativity and innovation in the ring. So you just can't get much better than this. It's just the nature of our business. Everything is always subject to change, and you never know what's gonna happen next. It was unexpected for me too, but again, the door opened, and I chose to walk through it. I had my time. There's no question about that. For a guy my age to be where I am right now is, to me, next to impossible. And yet, I'm here. It's not about Sting, not anymore. You're asking a straight-up question, I'll give ya a straight-up answer. That's it, and I am just fine with that.''

He went on to say he held no regrets about signing with WWE...

''It has been gratifying. After 30 years, I've learned to really appreciate the fans and the wrestlers and everybody in the whole industry a lot more. I held off on doing [public appearances] until WWE, and now I'm picking and choosing some things that I'm doing here and there, Comic-Cons and whatever. And the fans are so respectful, so there's a much higher level of appreciation now than there ever was.''

Xavier Woods:

Xavier Woods wants to pick up his education again, he is looking for schools to finish his PHD.

Riley supports HOF'er:

Alex Riley has been tweeting in support of Donald Trump's Presidential bid.

Snuka in court:

Jimmy Snuka will be in court on Monday for his first hearing in repsonse to murder charges.

Fan thanks Reigns:

A fan tweeted his gratitude to Roman Reigns for defending him and his family at SummerSlam. WWE handlers were being overly aggressive, rushing the family through, and making them choose between a photo or autograph. They chose a photo, but were not getting organised quickly enough for the WWE minders liking, and they stepped in to break the pic up. Roman had seen enough and snapped at the two staffers to leave the family alone, and did take the time to pose and sign their merch, despite the protestations of his co-workers. Reigns today responded that he was proud to have the back of people that supported him.

Kevin blasts Kevin:

Sullivan is furious over Owens wearing of a shirt during his matches...

"Let me ask you something? Kevin Owens, who everybody is jumping up and down over. Can you name a person besides Cactus Jack to get over like that with a shirt on?. Name me one. If you ask me who hit 500 home runs, I can name you ten off the top of my head. So why does everybody say these guys have to be pushed? If you're an athlete, and you're walking down the street at 2 am, John Cena is walking on the left, Kevin Owens is on the right, which side of the street are you gonna get up on? They need to want to be you, or be afraid to fight you. I think they've tried to make a chance, and people listen to the pounding of the drum, but have attendance or ratings gone up? We don't want to listen to when people tell us what to do. For 14 years the ratings have went down. If that happened in college football, would those people still have a job? Coaches would get cut for not doing their job. Players would get cut."

Michael Cole:

Michael Cole has lost 65 lbs of weight in the past year.

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