Wednesday, September 9, 2015

Today's News


GFW have revealed that the Texas live event was cancelled to allow Jeff Jarrett to be free to make a business trip to the UK. They do not want to run shows without Double J there to oversee things.

Kana reveals why she signed with WWE:

"I have been in this business for 10 years and have accomplished almost everything there is to accomplish. I was looking for a new challenge and when the opportunity came up with WWE, the timing just felt right."

She also admitted that Triple H making the approach had an impact, as she was a long time fan of the game.

Hall Of Famer to UK:

Booker T is coming to the UK to promote his ROW promotion later this month. He and his wife Sharmell will be in Blackpool for a comic con.

SmackDown SPOILERS!!!:

  • Cesaro vs The Miz.
  • Paige vs Sasha Banks.
  • Dean Ambrose, Jimmy Uso & Roman Reigns vs The New Day.
  • The Ascension vs Lucha Dragons.
  • Ryback vs Seth Rollins.

Snitsky was backstage.

Angle quits TNA:

Kurt Angle has announced he will leave TNA at the end of his current deal. His last major event could be on October 4 at Bound For Glory. This will end a 9 year TNA career. He says he will take a break from the sport. He did hint that he was hoping to secure a final match with WWE at some point next year, but confessed he wasn't holding his breath.

Sunny blasts ROH:

Sunny says she is not impressed with ROH, and attacked the size of one of their top stars...

''Just stumbled across Ring of Honor on a local TV station... why does their production quality look so shitty??? Next up is the Champion, Lay Lethal vs. Roderick Strong.... all I have to say about that is Roddy has a tiny weiner....''

Road Dogg heat:

Road Dogg has been getting some grief for an angle on Total Diva's, where he chews Paige out backstage, leading to a heated disagreement. Road Dogg replied to one fan that the reality was not, in fact, reality, and that the skit was scripted. This will not please the office, or the E! Network.

Bubba bashing, episode 2:

Rico has joined in the strong criticism against Bubba Dudley, following Rene Dupree's attack yesterday...

"If you're listening, Bubba, come here to Vegas and I'll tell it to your frickin face. You are a spoiled brat. If you don't get your way, you hurt people, and you do it on purpose. He ripped my hamstring three times in Chicago. I told him I tore, and he kept going. He suplexed me, and tore it again. And when he pinned me, he threw my legs over my head, and put his legs on the second turnbuckle, and tore it again. Yes, Devon is OK. Bubba, is a brat. You're a spoiled, little baby. And I knew that when we went to Italy. Charlie and I had the tag team belts, and Bubba is there, Devon, we're gonna wrestle in Italy. And out of respect, when they put the match up, I said, 'OK. What would you like to do, Bubba?' You know, cuz he's been in the business longer than I have, so has Devon, and Charlie and I were giving them respect. 'What would you like to do?' Bubba popped off, 'I'm tired of making the matches! You guys are the champions! Why don't you make up the match!' He was throwing a fit, in Italy! I said, what the hell? Like we win these titles; they give them to us! You want to win a title, go win Gladiators, you fat pig. That's what I'm thinking. He [cried] and moaned. I looked at Dean Malenko and said, 'Hey. Here.' Threw him the belt and said, 'Bubba wants the belt, give it to him. I'm not going out.' 'What' [said Malenko]? I said, 'I'm not going out. That's it. Forget it. I don't want the titles!' And I left. 25-30 minutes later, [Bubba] came up, that fat, little spoiled brat apologized, and we went out and had a match. Yep, Bubba's famous for that. I'll tell it to his face, and I live is Las Vegas, Bubba. Come over here, and I will tell ya."

Second NXT star in race controversy:

Jasmin Areebi did not listen to the official that told stars to sanitize their social media past, a post she made in her teens, on Reddit, has surfaced. She spits out the ''N'' word, and says she will always prefer white folks. WWE have not yet responded, but she has deleted her Twitter, after a fan backlash began.

The post that has caused most offense is a photo of her being carried on the shoulders of a black man. The picture is tagged with the words ''My slave'' and she comments that she can barely see him, because he is ''So black.''

Batista lands movie:

Batista is said to have signed on to make a movie with Bruce Willis.

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