Wednesday, September 2, 2015

Today's News

Charlotte to divorce TNA star:

Charlotte of WWE and Bram of TNA, who has been in the news this week after assaulting his current girlfriend, will be in court to have their marriage annulled on September 10. The case will be heard in Florida.

More TNA pay issues:

TNA did not pay their staff again last week, but are currently catching up. They blame the move of the payroll and legal departments from Panda Energy to TNA HQ for the delays. TNA say in the long run this move will improve the situation, as cheques can be cut from their offices, and not sent to Texas for approval, and then sent back, before being cashed.

TE stars re-locate:

Sara Lee has announced she is moving from her home town to Orlando, as she starts her WWE career. Josh is making arrangements to do the same.

William Regal to retire in the UK?:

William Regal may be about to work his retirement match. Speculation is he will bid farewell to the ring at the NXT special in London on December 16.

Sunny blasts WWE:

Sunny is furious with WWE officials criticising her for doing Skype calls with fans, she took to Facebook last night and posted a rant at her former employer...

"Guess what?? the wrestling "news sites" are at it again! Now they are 'reporting' that the WWE is unhappy with me due to my current career choices and path... WELL....Let me let you all in on a little something...... The last time the WWE paid me ANYTHING was in 2012, a check for $1000, for an interview I did at Axxess during WM weekend. Before that it was 2011, a check for $5000, for the HOF weekend that I was inducted. NOTHING since then, not even royalties. They have done NOTHING to help me pay MY BILLS, and have paid me ZERO in 3 1/2 YEARS!! So, I ask you:::: WHY THE HELL SHOULD I BE CONCERNED WITH WHAT THEIR OPINION IS ON MY CAREER CHOICE, IF THEY ARE NOT CONCERNED IN THE LEAST BIT WITH MY FINANCIAL WELL-BEING AND STABILITY AND ABILITY TO PAY MY LIVING EXPENSES???? So I should live in a cardboard box just to make the WWE look good??? I THINK NOT. I'm making more $$ weekly than they used to pay me weekly when I was on the road with them FULL-TIME!!!! SO, until they start paying me weekly, I will continue to do what is best for ME, and no one else. So for now, THAT IS ALL."

Jimmy Snuka:

Bill Apter says reports that Jimmy Snuka was arrested at home yesterday are untrue. He and his wife went to the arraignment voluntarily, and he was arrested there. He was, after paying bond and bail, allowed to go home. Police reopened the case after inconsistencies began to emerge in his original story. He told friends at the time they had fought, and he shoved her, and she banged her head, before he left for an event. When he returned he found her foaming at the mouth, and severely ill. He took her to the hospital, where she died. However he changed the story in his recent book, now saying she slipped and fell, and he found her when he came home, but also told another version of the story during interviews to promote the book. Police became concerned with the repeated changes in his account, but also say they have testimony of other domestic violence incidents involving him, and have looked again at the autopsy report, and have found information they wanted to examine further.

Nancy Argentino's sister, who has long fought for the case to be reopened, has welcomed the arrest, and says she is hopeful of finally seeing justice for her sister.

The story has made the front page of a New York paper today (Photo).

Adam Rose:

Adam Rose wrestled for Main Event this week without his current gimmick. He wore all black, glasses, and had no theme music.

SmackDown SPOILERS!!!:

  • Dudley Boyz vs Prime Time Players.
  • Neville vs Stardust.
  • Cesaro vs Sheamus.
  • Bo Dallas vs R-Truth.
  • Charlotte vs Tamina Snuka.
  • Dean Ambrose & Roman Reigns vs New Day.


  • Summer Rae suffered a black eye during a segment with Lana.

PC shooting:

It has been reveled that the man shot at the PC this week had sent an audition tape for Tough Enough, but was rejected. Police also say he has in the past been involuntarily sectioned under Florida's mental health act. He is still in a critical condition, and has had surgery to remove the bullet, and repair the damage to his body.

Dolph Ziggler out of kayfabe interview:

On the Lana storyline coming out of nowhere...

"Much like several other romantic engagements that I have taken part with in WWE, I went from not knowing somebody and saying hello and goodbye to them, to we're kind of working together let's see what happens. Cut to New York City, we go out, we party, we have a blast, now we're much more than that. We're having a great time and I think it's starting to show on social media and in the ring a little bit."

This era having the best talent...

"By the way this era is mind blowing, light years ahead of the talent of the 60s, 70s, 80s, 90s you name it. No matter how hot it was, no matter what the Attitude Era was. The talent that barely even gets on our show is so much better and it's going to be a great future."

Kelly Kelly interview:

On tough start to her WWE career...

"The guys were pretty rough because the guys had been there for a long time, the ones who had growing up wanted to wrestle for WWE for their whole lives and they had been working their whole lives to be here, and they see me and Alicia Fox come in as these models, so we definitely got not the best treatment from the guys - they definitely gave us a hard time, so that was rough too."

On being taught to dance by Vince McMahon...

"My first day I was in Vince's office and he's like, 'I have this whole idea. I have this whole plan for the dance I want you to do.' So he showed me this whole dance. I was dying because I was like 19 years old and watching Vince McMahon and WWE for my whole life and now I'm sitting here with Vince McMahon and you're showing me how to dance. It was the funniest."

On her ring name....

"I guess there's a Cheers episode where one of the guys is singing about the girl and the song is like, 'Kelly, Kelly, Kelly, Kelly', so that's what I've always heard."

MSG Network special:

Brock Lesnar vs Big Show will headline the upcoming WWE Network special in the iconic Madison Square Garden.

TNA wedding:

Robbie E recently rekindled his relationship with a long time girlfriend. They married this weekend.


WWE originally wanted Roman Reigns to be the cover star of this years game, but the makers of the title felt Austin was more marketable.

Hogan starts training for match:

Hulk Hogan says he is going on a diet as he trains for a ring return.

Twitter feud:

Jim Cornette and Joey Ryan are in a Twitter beef right now.

New signings:

WWE are set to sign as many as 6 new stars, possibly including Johnny Gargano, and are also looking for Latino referees.

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