Wednesday, September 23, 2015

Today's News


WWE have scheduled a DVD set on the career of Eric Bischoff for 2016.

JR responds:

Jim Ross has angrily retorted to Eric Bischoff's claims that he fired him from WCW in the early 90's, on the WWE Network this week...

"I can tell you that Eric Bischoff did not fire me. Bill Shaw, a TBS VP/lackey reassigned me to work with Rob Garner, an old friend from my Crockett days, to work in TV Syndication of which I had previous experience with the UWF. I was told I was 'too Southern' to be the voice of a national brand. That from a station that aired multiple, Andy Griffith reruns daily. That reassignment directly violated my TBS agreement of which they themselves drew up-. However, my goose was cooked in WCW when my mentor and friend Bill Watts left his bombastic renderings on TBS mgmt when he departed as EVP of WCW and departed Atlanta. I was so closely aligned with Cowboy even though I had no idea he was coming to Atlanta until he arrived and no one from TBS management asked me about him even though I had been in WCW from day one. Good background check for feedback, right? Nonetheless I would not trade Bill being my mentor for a TBS or any other job but I did love living in Atlanta. Yes, I was bitter and angry that TBS never gave me an interview for the job that Eric got even though looking back in hindsight Eric likely would have done a better job than me over the long haul because it was my destiny was to take Vince McMahon's offer and join WWE in 1993, a run that lasted officially 21 years. My family's financial future was secured after enduring the dark days of near bankruptcy for WWE in the mid 90's, taking a large cut in pay, seeing office executives jump ship like scared rats, by the way this does not include my dear friend JJ Dillon who also left because he could not afford to care for his family on what he would be earning after the pay reductions. My department was able to assemble, arguably, the best talent roster in the history of the business that helped provide WWE with the ammo to have a $160M Initial Stock Offering (IPO) to go from a not so long ago near bankrupt public company to a thriving, healthy, public company that it is today. So, in hindsight, going to WWE and not staying in WCW was the best professional move that I ever made in my 40 year professional career."

SmackDown SPOILERS!!!:

  • Luke Harper vs Roman Reigns.
  • Lucha Dragons & Neville vs New Day.
  • Bo Dallas vs Cesaro.
  • Dolph Ziggler & Ryback vs Kevin Owens & Rusev.
  • Dean Ambrose vs Seth Rollins.

Scott Hall blames Warrior for him never winning WWE title:

He says the last minute change of plans at his debut match (Survivor Series '92) cost him a world title run, that forever evaded him during his time with WWF...

"It was supposed to be Flair and I against Warrior and Savage. Warrior had a history of holding Vince up for money before pay-per-views to get his guarantees, and Vince called his bluff. They had to substitute for Warrior, so they brought Mr. Perfect in. I was told prior to the match I was going to break Randy's leg and retire him. But when you have a substitute, you have to feature the substitute, so I think I got PerfectPlex'd and Flair got PerfectPlex'd."


Sting has not broken his neck, he was given the all clear from his tests after his injury on Sunday, but there are still concerns over his spine, because he is struggling to walk.

WCW man wants Rousey:

Tank Abbott says he will give Ronda Rousey $100,000 if she can beat him in a fight, but if she were to lose, she would have to get in the kitchen and make him a sandwich.

I saved Cena:

Kenny Bolin has already taken credit for the Montreal screwjob this week, he now adds that he is also responsible for the WWE career of John Cena...

"He's got me so mad lately, because there have been times I've been in the hospital, and not one time has he came to see me. I've had financial stress, trying to take care of my son after a couple of serious car wrecks he's been in. Other struggles, like getting his wife legal in the United States. They wanted to fire him and Rico Constantino. I went to Danny Davis and Jim Cornette. I had a meeting with Steve Austin, Vince McMahon and Stephanie McMahon. I told them they had 80 days left on their contract, and we needed to put them on the road and see what they're made of. They both got jobs. Look who's the face of the company now. I didn't like to brag about it, I'm the guy that got him his free meals and publicity when he was here."


WWE have made more tickets available for the UK tour, after tickets were eaten up in no time by the British fans.

Jimmy Snuka:

Jimmy Snuka will be in court on October 7 for the start of his murder case.

WWE vs Fans:

WWE swamped last nights TV's with security, to continue their crackdown on fans crossing boundaries. They admonished people for leaning over barriers, and for chanting too enthusiastically at the wrestlers.

Cancer costs Brit career:

Kris Travis, who was a part of TNA British Bootcamp 2, has announced stomach cancer has cost him his chance to wrestle again, and he is retired.

Kurt confirms:

Kurt Angle says he will go ahead with his UK speaking tour later this year, despite his recent family tragedy.

WrestleMania 32:

WWE are bringing in every legend they can wrangle up for Raw on October 19, as they promote WrestleMania, which will be in the same city as the TV episode. Flair, Michaels, Austin and Taker are already confirmed, expect more to be named in the coming weeks.

Diva fight:

Cameron has revealed a backstage fight she had with Paige, over her training outside of WWE, which was featured on Total Diva's, was very real, and that bad blood remains between the two.

Diva wants to Rock the beach:

Kelly Kelly hopes Rock will help her get a role in the upcoming Baywatch movie.

Japanese great snubs WWE:

Okada says he does not care that WWE have expressed interest in his services...

"I like doing the shows with Ring of Honor, but I don't want to leave Japan. I'm not interested in WWE at all. Many people ask me about WWE, and if I'd go to WWE in the future. They ask me if I'm going now. I will not go. I want to make New Japan Pro-Wrestling bigger. That's my future."

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