Thursday, September 10, 2015

Today's News

Hulk UK:

Hulk Hogan has put together a trip to the UK, and is bringing some friends. Tickets for the November show, which will be held in Sheffield, are priced between £35 and £70. The Genius, Jimmy Hart, Outback Jack, Luke of the Bushwhackers, and Tugboat are making the trip with him, and Dynamite Kid will also attend the event.

Titus gives back:

Titus O'Neill brought 30 kids to Raw in Tampa this week. He teamed with local charities to bring sick and underprivileged kids to the show for a treat.

Total Diva's:

Naomi has revealed she has been dropped from the show again. She will reportedly be replaced by Amanda of Tough Enough.

Rousey scores movie role:

Ronda Rousey will play the lead in a remake of the Patrick Swayze film ''Roadhouse''. She has also confirmed she will not be involved at WrestleMania 32, as she is making another movie in Indonesia in March and April of 2016.

WWE spoil NOC?:

WWE have ordered a large batch of John Cena's United States Championship t-shirts, possibly spoiling the result of the NOC match vs Seth Rollins.

WWE fear backlash:

WWE are concerned their upcoming Mexico tour will receive a fan backlash after accusations of racism from Alberto Del Rio.

Fan incident:

Gunner kicked a fan in the chest at an indie show earlier this month. He had been involved in a twitter beef with him over negative comments he made online, and was also angered by chants of ''Dixie reject.'' Some of the other stars that worked the show broke the unwritten code of wrestlers sticking together, and attacked the kick as an unprovoked assault, and defended the fan, who is a regular attendee of PWX shows, saying he is a very passionate and respectful fan.

Gunner has since taken to his Facebook, where he vehemently denied the accusation.

Tough Enough:

Josh has now joined Sara Lee in starting work at the WWE PC.

Austin praises Trump:

Steve Austin has discussed the stunner he delivered to Presidential hopeful Donald Trump at WrestleMania 23...

''Donald Trump's number one advisor, his right hand guy at the time, gave him every single reason why he does not need to take the Stunner: 'hey, man, this is not a good idea; you don't need to do it; you're doing enough by being here.' Donald looked at Vince and he goes, 'sure, I'll take it.' He was a standup guy to me and I always appreciated him taking that bump because he didn't have to."

Colt tribute:

Congratulations to Colt Toombs, who honoured his father Roddy Piper's memory by getting married in a kilt last weekend.

Turn him heel:

Daniel Bryan has called on John Cena, and WWE, to turn him heel, as it is long overdue, and would be massively impactful on the landscape of WWE going forward.

WWE chase rugby star:

WWE have secured a tryout for Australian rugby player Daniel Vidot. He says they have made contact, and he has offered to fly to Orlando to meet officials later this month.


Lana has had surgery on her damaged wrist today.

WWE respond to latest race storm:

WWE say they have investigated yesterdays latest race incident, and will take no further action against Jasmin Areebi...

"WWE conducted a thorough investigation and has determined that Nhooph Al-Areebi's (aka Jasmin) Twitter account was used without her knowledge when she was 16 and 17 years old. Jasmin remains apologetic for any offensive remarks that were made."

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