Wednesday, September 30, 2015

Today's News

Titus on WWE racism:

Titus O'Neill has discussed the rareness of African Americans holding top titles in WWE...

"I've never been involved in the creative process in any aspect of this company, so I couldn't tell you why there has only been one. Is it disturbing in some cases? Yes, but it's no different than any other form of entertainment. There aren't a lot of places, whether it's film or television, with African-Americans as heroes. I can't answer the question of why there has only been one, but I would definitely like to be the next African-American champion. Not because I'm African-American, but because I've deserved and earned the right to be WWE world heavyweight champion."


It seems WWE may have hit Hornswoggle with a swerveball in relation to his recent suspension. They reportedly turned up at his home to test his urine without giving notice beforehand, as was always the norm, and when he was unable to produce a sample for testing, was banned, not for failing a test, as was originally thought. This, if confirmed, would mark the start of a much more severe enforcing of their wellness policy.

WWE refused to comment on the story for privacy reasons.

Kelly Kelly:

Kelly Kelly's reality show has been renewed for a second series.

Diva's fight back:

The abuse of Renee Young on social media site Instagram has become something very dark. Female fans, angry at the Canadian for her relationship with Dean Ambrose, have taken their harassment of her to another level, and have begun to threaten her with violence. Some of her fellow WWE stars have seen her suffer enough, and are fighting back on her behalf...

Summer Rae wrote to one...

"TO EVERYONE IN THESE COMMENTS: I feel so so very sorry for most of you. The fact that you actually take your OWN precious time out of your day to make these lame comments is so weird. Like REALLY odd. Kinda creepy even that the infatuation with someone's personal life of a person you don't know could be THAT strong. If you are unsure of what to do with your spare time I would suggest hobbies or volunteering for a local homeless shelter or opening your mind & reading a book. I know it may take a long time for some of you guys but hey, we all have to start somewhere. Think how much better the world would be if all of these internet stalkers trolling around actually got up & put the time it takes to put people down on the good use! Now that would be a great world to live in! I won't hold my breathe for that day but hey, a gal can dream."

Eden also responded...

"What was the saying? What if you fell in love with someone and then found out they trolled celebrities on the Internet? My's already happened and that's why trollin' is all they got!."

WWE star opening Indie:

Nick ''Eugene'' Dinsmore is working on starting his own promotion, and has launched a weekly podcast to keep fans up to date on it's progress.


WWE tarped off the whole top tier of the venue for last night's TV tapings, due to poor ticket sales.

  • Team BAD vs Team Bella.
  • Kevin Owens vs Ryback (Intercontinental Championship).
  • Cosmic Wasteland vs Lucha Dragons & Neville.
  • Dudley Boyz & Kane vs New Day & Seth Rollins.

Website bites back:

Pro Wrestling Tees have responded to WWE slapping them with a legal warning yesterday, and they are clearly highly unimpressed with the WWE juggernaut...

''We received a notice from WWE saying that we were violating intellectual property rights by selling Jim Neidhart shirts on our website. First off, we don't sell anything on our site, the wrestlers do. Our website is a portal for independent and retired pro wrestlers to sell their own merchandise to hundreds and thousands of fans worldwide. We then simply print for them and ship them to their customers. Everything is contracted through the wrestlers, they get final say in the designs they sell and the price they sell the shirts for. After doing more research we found that WWE didn't own the trademark on the name Jim Neidhart nor Hart Foundation. After explaining this to their "lawyer", we were then told that Jim has an "exclusive merchandise agreement" with WWE. Really? Then where is all the Jim the Anvil merchandise? We've never seen a Jim "The Anvil" t-shirt ever. Maybe one of him and Bret Hart together but never solo. WWE continuously blocks retired pro wrestlers from selling merchandise on the internet. These wrestlers have fans that want to show their appreciation for them but they aren't allow to because WWE says they have the "merchandise rights" to them. If WWE has these rights then use them. Wrestlers profit sometimes over 10x more what they get in royalties through any merchandise deal with WWE. There is no reason they shouldn't allow Jim to have extra money is his pocket. There is no competition here, because they aren't selling Anvil's t-shirts. Being under a WWE legends contract is understandable, but why is Jim in an "exclusive merchandise contract" with no merchandise? If they aren't going to allow him to sell his own merchandise through our website portal then at least sell shirts for him through the WWE shop.''

Worst Raw ever:

This weeks Raw scored the lowest viewing figures since the early days of the programme, right back into the 90's, bar Christmas episodes.

Dwayne rocked:

The dog Rock saved from drowning in his pool recently has died. The Rock and his partner decided to put him out of his pain today after he ate a poisonous mushroom he found whilst on a walk.

Lana thanks diva:

Lana has thanked Natalya for helping her train for the ring, before she got hurt.

Paige in heat:

A backstage spat was accidentally broadcast on WWE's Facebook yesterday. Paige was doing a live Q&A when one of the diva's (Unidentified) called her a bitch, not realising she was filming, Paige spat back at her, telling her to f*** off, former referee Scott Armstrong then approached Paige telling her not to use that language, as the broadcast continued.

Hell I A Cell:

Bray Wyatt vs Roman Reigns has been added to the card.

WWE's best hand?:

Titus O'Neill flew from this weeks TV's directly to the home of a fan he met earlier this year, after the 10 year old was diagnosed with a recurrence of his cancer.

TNA India:

TNA have confirmed a one week TV taping tour of India, from November 29 to December 5.

Lesnar coming back:

Brock Lesnar has been added to Raw for next week.

NJPW own legend:

NJPW have won the rights to Jushin Liger's character. They have long fought with the owners of a comic from the 70's over the name and likeness rights, and have finally won them.

TE diva's:

Chelsea has finally recovered from her ankle injury, suffered on the show, and Mick Foley has apologised to Amanda for his strong criticism of her on the programme.

NWA on TV:

NWA are reportedly in talks with Spike TV, hoping to bring their brand to the screen.

Michael Cole reveals why he lost weight:

"I started at 226 pounds with 29.9 percent body fat and as of today, 11 months later, I weigh 169 pounds with 6.5 percent body fat. I was down 65 pounds, but I've put on a little weight because we changed my diet and added some calories. I feel better now at 48 years old than I did at 21 years old."

HOF'er attacks women:

Alundra Blayze is not impressed with the WWE womens roster. She attacked Nikki's performance, and told Paige that she was no AJ Lee.

Vader called out:

A US promotion have challenged Vader to come out of retirement for a shoot fight. They say they will pay him $5,000, he is considering the offer.

Brock is a bully:

Kenny Bolin has accused Brock Lesnar of bullying him...

"So the show ends, the fans are out and Brock Lesnar's girlfriend, who he's engaged to, who had been to my house 100 times, who I had hugged 100 times, and who I had kissed on the cheek 100 times. Well this particular night I didn't hug her or kiss her because I was soaked in sweat so bad I wouldn't put anybody through that including my worst enemy. So I did the "Hollywood thing" (motioned a kiss towards her cheeks). Never touched her and it wouldn't have mattered if I did in my eyes. Here comes Brock Lesnar through the door, he's on the ring crew. Brock comes through the door and says, "Get your hands off my woman Bolin." So I'm thinking, "The show is over Brock, no need to carry on anything here." I said, "Oh OK Brock, nothing out of me." Playing along with him for whoever he's trying to entertain. He says, "I mean what I say. Get your hands off her you son of a b---h." I looked at him and I said, "Are you serious?" Then he goes on a bit of a cussing rant, telling me what he's going to do to me if I ever touch his wife-to-be again. I said "Number one, I never touched her. Number two, I've kissed your woman on the cheek 100 times before and it never bothered you, what is your problem?" Now he comes over and gets in my face. I'm going, "What the heck is the matter with this guy?" So he's nose to nose with me. He says, "You ever touch her again and I will f--king kill you. I said, "Alright Brock, point made. Then his girlfriend says, "Brock leave him alone, he never touched me." He turns to her and says, "Shut up b---h, I ain't talking to you." So now she's hot. He looks at me again and I said, "You're out of line pal. He takes his hand and pie-faces me. The worst thing I did is I didn't go down. It pissed him off that I did not go down. My son loses it. He's going, "Oh God, dad's going to get killed. He runs downstairs, gets Sylvester Terkay, runs him back up. Terkay comes charging in, gets in Brock's face and says, "Hey if you want to fight somebody, why don't you fight somebody your size that's capable of fighting you." He says, "You wanna fight? Fight me." Brock looked at him and walked away. So that's where Brock was then as opposed to where he is now, because now that might be a different story."

WWE support England:

Paige and WWE were shown on the roof of the O2 stadium before a Rugby World Cup match, as thanks for them supporting the ''Wear the rose'' campaign, backing the English team.

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