Monday, September 28, 2015

Today's News


Whilst attending a charity event with his wife Michelle McCool over the weekend Taker's house was attacked with toilet paper by vandals. McCool says the incident was caught on their security system.

Seth Rollins sets record:

Seth Rollins has set the record for the longest WWE title reign after cashing in a MITB contract, beating The Miz's 160 days.


TNA have announced a third person will join their announce team at Bound For Glory. Josh Mathews says the person will make their debut.

The promotion have also announced a $5 cut in their ticket price, to try to improve the dire audiences.


Despite Ronda Rousey's inavailability, Rock vs Triple H is still on for next years Mania.

Russo hurt:

Vince Russo wrestled in the UK this weekend and was hurt when he horribly botched his taking of an RKO.


Lana has chalked up 1,000,000 followers on Instagram.

Kelly Kelly:

Kelly Kelly has revealed who she wants to face if she returns...

"It's funny, because I feel like all the girls who are there now I've worked with. The [Bella] Twins are still there, Natalya's still there, Alicia Fox is still there, Rosa Mendes is still there, all these girls - there's not many new ones. Maybe Paige. When I left she came in so I think she'd be someone I'd like to work with for sure."


WWE have signed a deal to keep Summerslam at the Barclays Center for the next two years.

Raw tease:

  • Is Kane from split personality disorder or is his behavior part of a larger plan?
  • What's next for the Divas Revolution?
  • Should Randy Orton fear what The Wyatt Family is planning?
  • Who will challenge John Cena for the U.S. Title?
  • What message will Big Show deliver to Brock Lesnar?

  • Barrett goes back:

    Wade Barrett is on his way back to the States after making a movie in the UK.

    PC tour:

    Tom Phillips is hosting the exclusive fan tour of the WWE PC today.

    EC3 recalls the day he realised his WWE days were over:

    "I kind of knew when I wrestled Cesaro on Saturday Morning Slam. It was cool and we were having fun. I was in this weird spot where I was maybe getting this character that I was pitching, but I didn't know because there you never know. I did a suicide dive and dislocated my kneecap, and thought it was probably my last WWE match. There was a transition in the office. Old guys are leaving, new guys are coming in. The guys who signed you aren't going to be in power anymore. There's no one in your corner per se, because they want to make their own people and it's business, I get that. I just wish I didn't have to go through the last five months of developmental. I could have just walked out that day with my head held high."

    He also talked about an incident that got him and Daniel Bryan in heat with the office...

    "We did get into a little bit of trouble. The way I looked at it was that the show was based around screwing with us as talent. We kind of changed the game by rigging our answers. That should have been commended and I should have been promoted immediately for being the ultimate wrestling snake. But alas, when you go against the machine, sometimes you get a slap on the wrist. The only thing that bothers me is the next week they deducted time from me doing the Out Think The Fink challenge, and I had Howard Finkel beat. You know? Now I'm pretty upset."

    WWE star suspended:

    Hornswoggle has failed a wellness check, and has been sent home for 30 days.


    Paige is teaming up with Rosa Mendes' boyfriend Bobby to open a coffee shop.


    The conditions of Sunny's bail have been released, she must...

    • Post the $2,000 bail.
    • Report to the Carbon County Adult Parole & Probation Department within 72 hours of her jail release.
    • Officially notify the court, the District Attorney and her own attorney of any change in address or phone number.
    • Complete a drug and alcohol evaluation and follow all recommendations made.
    • Agree to a zero-tolerance policy for "the possession, control and consumption of alcoholic beverages and non-prescribed medication." If she violates, she will be arrested for violating bail terms.
    • Agree to a zero-tolerance policy if she misses any urine tests without a legitimate reason. If she does miss one and does not have a legit reason, she will be arrested for violating her bail.
    • Agree to appear in court on December 2nd for charges against her to be read. The judge will be advised if there has been a plea bargain reached. If no plea is made, Sunny agrees she will appear in court for a jury trial on December 7th.

    UFC to wrestling:

    Shayna Baszler of Ronda Rousey's four horsewomen group made her wrestling debut over the weekend.


    X-Pac suffered a suspected torn bicep and pec at an indy show over the weekend.


    RVD is making a war movie with Steven Seagal.

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