Thursday, September 24, 2015

Today's News

Angry Vince:

Vince McMahon is freaking out about the decline in their viewing figures. WWE creative are trying to come up with something big to improve the situation.

Sting talks injury:

''I was out in the hospital — out like a light. They had a neck brace on me, and they were pumping me with [medication] to get me out of pain. I had to do a CT scan and an MRI. They ended up talking to my wife, and I have some details from my wife, but I still have [further evaluation ahead]. They mentioned cervical spinal stenosis, but that's only part of what I heard. I don't know if there's anything else. The doctor did tell my wife, "He's going to have to get this dealt with. He's lucky he walked out of there. Bottom line, I had tingling, numbness down both arms, all the way to my fingertips. And then, later in the match, I just fell wrong, whatever it was, and this time [the tingling and numbness] went down both arms and into my legs, and I couldn't feel my legs too well. They just felt like rubber. I don't know how to describe it. I had to go down on all fours there for a minute, get my composure. I was a little … I was worried. Long term, well, I'm just going to take care of the short term first and see how the long term might play out.''

On when the injury happened...

''Both times into the turnbuckle. First time was like a whiplash. [pause] It's my fault, bottom line. I know better. The second time, I went up into the air and back toward the turnbuckle like that, I thought, "Well, that's not going to happen again," and it did. The second time was worse.''

TNA Bound For Glory:

Here is the latest card for the upcoming TNA special...

  • TNA World Heavyweight Title Match - Drew Galloway vs. Ethan Carter III.
  • TNA King of the Mountain Title Match - Bobby Lashley vs. Bobby Roode.
  • TNA Knockouts Title Match - Awesome Kong vs. Gail Kim.
  • Ultimate X for the TNA X Division Title  - TBA vs. TBA vs. TBA vs. Tigre Uno.
  • Kurt Angle vs. TBA.

CM Punk:

CM Punk's UFC debut may be announced soon. UFC bosses are currently working on his potential opponent for the bout.


Carlito turned down the WWE offer made this week, as the money was too low, but he has confirmed he will consider a return if they bump up the financial package. The current repackage of Los Matadores, WWE hope, will lead to Carlito's return.

Ban the Diva's:

Mick Foley says it is time WWE got rid of the term ''Diva's'' and returned to Womens wrestling, and championship. Ivory later echoed his feelings, on a WWE Network show, saying the word made the girls look prissy and weak.

He also says he almost talked Vince McMahon into allowing him and Terry Funk to wrestle an exploding barbed wire match back in 1998, but Vince got cold feet, and the bout was dropped.


Chris Jericho has signed his fourth book deal, but is promising something different next time.

Joey Styles:

Joey Styles has confirmed he will be in 2K16, as an announcer.

Mexico tour:

The Brothers Of Destruction will reunite to feud with the Wyatt Family when WWE travel to Mexico in a couple of weeks.

NXT do not want Mania match:

Finn Balor says WWE have promised them their own special show for WrestleMania weekend next year, and he would rather be on that, than on the Mania card.

Rock recalls first meeting with Vince:

''My nightmare aka my very first TV "appearance" when I was 11yrs old. At a WWE TV taping in Allentown, PA. Since my dad was always on the road wrestling, any father/son time we got in was great, so I was super pumped to travel with him. It was backstage that I'd meet a man who years later we'd enjoy tremendous success together and he'd become one of my strongest mentors in business - Vince McMahon. I'll never forget he shook my hand, looked down at me and said "We gotta get you on camera tonight young man!". I thought, "WHOA I'm gonna be on TV... can't wait to tell my friends... AWESOME!". So I'm sitting there in the crowd, the camera man comes over and tells me he's getting ready to shoot so be ready.. It was in that defining moment that I just realized something awful... I was just getting over a bad case of Chicken Pox (you can clearly see a few "post pox" on my face) and I thought "Holy sh*t this is terrible! The world will see me for the first time and I look like someone set fire to my face and stomped it out with cleats". Looking back at this gem of a picture, there's two things I've learned: Things are never as bad as they seem (especially at 11yrs old) and instead of worrying about my Chicken Pox I should've been concerned with the world questioning whether I was a boy or a girl. Which, for the record happened all the time to me when I was a kid.''

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