Sunday, September 6, 2015

Today's News

NXT women:

WWE plan on building to a big push for Eva Marie via NXT. Bayley is scheduled to feud over her title with Dana Brooke for the coming weeks, but would then be challenged by Eva going into the NXT UK tour.

Snuka pulled:

WWE have removed Jimmy Snuka from their TV intros, and replaced him with Dusty Rhodes and Roddy Piper.

Delete your tweets:

A WWE insider has advised any stars hoping for a WWE future to go back and sanitise their social media history. WWE do not want to be stung by another incident like the recent issue with Zahra, and will have their media team monitor content for racial, sexual, or offensive material, and says it will be a consideration before employment is offered.

WWE fail:

WWE may have botched the mystery partner for The Shield at Night Of Champions, they posted this picture to the NOC section of their site yesterday, showing Ambrose and Reigns accompanied by NXT's Baron Corbin.

UK promotion confirm WWE signing:

A Southampton based indie group have announced Rich Swann will not be making the trip to the UK, as he has WWE commitments keeping him in the States.


Sarita has now reportedly put pen to paper on her WWE deal, but will not start right away. She is going on a retirement tour of Japan in October, before joining up with the PC as a coach in November.

John Cena:

John Cena was hurt on Friday night, but was fine to work last nights lives.

WWE HOF'er rubbishes championship:

Steve Austin is not a fan of the Tag Team title belts...

"Those belts are not the best looking belts I've ever seen in my life. They look like two gigantic copper pennies that got run over by a railroad train and they put them on a piece of leather," Austin said. "Gold means championship and you can get away with classic silver, and a lot of belts did, but, come on, man. Bronze? Copper?."

Rollins takes off:

Seth Rollins took his recently fired girlfriend to the Dominican Republic this weekend.

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