Tuesday, September 8, 2015

Today's News

Heat on WWE star:

An unnamed WWE star is in trouble with the office for asking his, or her, Twitter followers for a link to an illegal internet stream of a UFC show recently. WWE are angry because it sends the wrong message to fans, and because it was a UFC show they were asking for.

Zahra responds:

Seth Rollins girlfriend Zahra has released a statement about her recent WWE release...

"Let me start this off by saying how grateful I am and how fortunate I feel to have had my time with WWE. It truly was my dream job. Last week WWE made a decision to release me from my contract due to posts I made on social media years ago, long before I was ever employed by them. I understand why that decision was made, but it broke my heart and my spirit. I don't want my mistakes to reflect on WWE or how incredible they are as a company. The responsibility is my own... Now, I want to take the time to apologize to everyone who was offended by my posts. I am so sorry. I would like to make it very clear I am in no way, shape or form an anti-Semite, nor do I condone anti-Semitism. If one were to have looked deeper into my post, one would have noticed that also in the photo was Marlene Dietrich. Marlene was a Polish actress who opposed Nazism and fought for the oppressed during WWII. To me the photos and relics were nothing more than a story. I now see it was insensitive of me and in poor taste, which is why I had attempted to delete them long ago. On an aside, a family member of mine took part in the White Rose Movement (Germans trying to end Nazi domination), which is where my interest in the Holocaust actually stemmed from. Also, documented deeper on my Instagram from years ago are photos of me at Dachau Concentration Camp in Germany, and I noted there how disturbed I was by the entire place. Unfortunately, social media rarely notices positivity, and can be an evil place where opinion is easily manipulated to fit the circumstance. I take full accountability for the things I did post, but those out there who are creating Twitter exchanges that never happened or have manufactured other conversations that never took place really need to check themselves and realize how much harm they are actually doing. Everything I've worked for and dreamt of is gone. In an instant, I lost it all. But I can't let this define my life. I know who I am as a person. I'm as human as anyone else. I've made mistakes like we all do. I hope those I've offended can forgive me. All I can do now is learn and move forward trying to be better every day."

JR blasts fans:

Jim Ross is not happy with people comparing the recent controversies involving Hulk Hogan and Jimmy Snuka...

"Amazing that some people want me to compare Hulk's untimely remarks to the 3rd degree murder charges filed against Jimmy Snuka. How do I do that? What sense does that question even make? What am I missing? How can they possibly be in the same ball park."

Night Of Champions:

The Dudley Boyz will challenge for the Tag Team titles, and Dolph Ziggler and Rusev will have a rematch from SummerSlam.

Nikki Bella vs Charlotte has been pulled from the PPV, and brought forward to Raw next week. Nikki is close to setting the record longest Diva's title reign, and Charlotte wants to stop her from achieving the goal.

WWE signing:

WWE have confirmed the signing of Kana, from Japan.

Diva takes time out:

Cameron is stepping away from the world of WWE for the time being. She is heading up an anti-bullying campaign, and wants to dedicate as much time as she can to the project.

Fan incident:

A fan jumped the barrier and walked down the aisle with Seth Rollins on Raw last night.

New gimmicks:

WWE are working on a new gimmick for Bo Dallas. They have also started the repackage of Los Matadores, by having them attack their mascot El Torito on Raw last night.

WWE diva's kicked out of restaurant:

Paige and Alicia Fox were eating together at a steakhouse over the weekend, when a drunk patron began harassing them for an autograph, they refused, leading to the lady becoming irate and throwing her drink over the WWE stars. They responded in kind, and they were ejected from the building as a result.

Rene Dupree blasts Dudleyz, reveals why they were fired by WWE in 05:

Rene Dupree started a recent interview by saying he never liked his La Resistance partner...

"As far as Sly, no I didn't like the guy. Does that answer your question? We don't like each other, we haven't talked to each other and probably never will. He (Kenzo Suzuki) was great. That's when I got into Japanese culture was traveling with him and his wife. I spent more time in Japan then I did with the WWE or the United States. I had a seven or eight year career there but now I am winding down, I'm only 31 going to be 32 in December but I've had my fill with wrestling. I say that now but a wrestler never retires."

... before revealing the incident that cost them their WWE careers...

"One time in the ring, Sly screwed up a spot and then Bubba punched him in the face and bloodied his nose and Sly asked him why backstage and Bubba went off and punched him in the face again. Sylvan was very good friends with Pat Patterson and they weren't around shortly thereafter.''

He also said the Dudleyz hurt people on purpose...

'' I've had so many concussions from Bubba Ray Dudley it's not even funny. You know Chris Nowinski had to retire because of Bubba Ray giving him concussions right? Devon, it's universal everyone likes Devon because he's a pro, but Bubba can be difficult to work with."

Heat on GFW:

A Texan blogger has attacked GFW after they cancelled a show he had tickets for, with barely an announcement. He says he has had a hell of a time getting his money back, and urged his readers not to attend future GFW shows.


WWE have raised over $200,000 for families of New York emergency service workers, who are killed in the deliverance of their duties.

Rock kills phone to save dog:

The Rock saved one of his new French bulldogs from drowning in his pool this week. He jumped in the pool fully clothed, and killed his mobile phone, which was in his pants pocket.

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