Thursday, July 9, 2015

Today's News

Tough Enough:

Patrick and Mada were involved in a verbal altercation during a training session yesterday. Chris Jericho took the cast to a comedy improv club to test out their promo skills.

The USA Network are not happy with the show, they do not feel the judging is fair, Chris Jericho is too much like a gameshow host, and they would prefer Steve Austin to take over, and the ratings have been very poor. They also do not feel the show will mean anything, as so few winners have gone on to achieve anything within WWE.

Top WWE writer quits:

Brian Gerwitz has resigned from WWE to join The Rock's production company. He ends a 15 year WWE career.


The GFW invasion of TNA is set to begin on July 22.

GFW finances:

Toby Keith will back GFW financially if Jeff Jarrett accomplishes a certain goal, thought to be a TV deal.

TNA champ tries out:

Sanada flew to Japan to try out for WWE during their Japan tour.

Nicole Bass:

A friend of Nicole Bass has launched a kickstarter, as she is destitute, and has no food in her house.

Indie twins defend WWE walkout:

The Mehl twins have discussed their WWE tryout camp walkout...

On WWE approaching them...

"Out of nowhere WWE called us up and in our heads we kind of marked out. We figured they would fly us out and we'd get a free vacation out of it and show them what we can do…We never sent them anything other than an extra thing on maybe ten years ago, but when they called us they said that they had an e-mail that I haven't had in a really long time, so they found us on Facebook."

On Cardio problems...

"Regal had to point me to a trash can a couple of times to get some liquid out of my system, but we didn't quit and didn't stop. We got up the next morning and Derek and I had a heart-to-heart and realized we were acting like marks. Our heart is in Oakland with Hoodslam, our students and our school. We've been building this for five years and not so we can go to WWE."

On wasting WWE's time...

"We didn't take anyone else's spot in the camp."

"We didn't take anyone's f*cking spot because they were our spots. They came to us. We didn't come to them."


Serena Deeb will work her last match in Japan today.

Piper vs Austin:

Roddy Piper has confirmed his WWE departure, and is blaming Steve Austin for getting him fired. He also called him a bully, and again repeated his plans to continue to put him on blast, on his next podcast.

WWE racism:

Jim Ross has revealed how hard it was to convince Vince McMahon to hire Gail Kim, as he does not like Asian women, Gail responded that she was not surprised by Vince's attitude.

Double J reveals why he returned to TNA:

"It goes without saying that it was a highly emotional several days. They wanted me back for the match, and I wanted to continue to promote and raise awareness for Global Force Wrestling. So far it's been a win-win for both promotions."

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