Sunday, July 26, 2015

Today's News


Destination America have dropped ROH from their primetime slot at 8pm, and pushed it back to 11pm. It will now air after TNA, not before. Jim Cornette has revealed that ROH are not being paid for the show.

Alum weds:

Diamond Dallas Page has married his partner in Cancun this weekend.

Superstars at lives:

Many stars visited a WWE live at the Staples Center this weekend, including Marky Mark Wahlberg.

Hulk Hogan:

Kamala has jumped to the defense of Hulk Hogan...

"That's not the Hogan I know. Hogan always treated me like a gentleman. He genuinely cared about me. He was my friend. He'd tell me, 'Brother, I'm getting my money. I hope you're getting yours, because you're putting asses in the seats.' When it came to our matches, he valued my input. He'd always say, 'What do you want to do out there, brother?' I'd tell him, and then we'd go out there and do it. He's a sweetheart of a guy. I'm not mad at him at all. Deep down, he's really not like that. He's a super-nice guy. I don't believe he's a racist at all, no matter what he said."

He went on to say what he will do when he next sees him...

"The first thing I'd do is shake his hand and hug him, just like we always do. That wouldn't change. Then I might say, 'Hey man, what happened?' But it'd be with a smiling face."

This is just one of a tidal wave of supportive messages Hogan is receiving, even from fans that tore him apart when the story originally broke, who now say the public crucifixion he is being put through is too much, and needs to stop. WWE may have read this situation very wrongly in the court of public opinion, but as yet are showing no signs of changing their stance on the Hulkster's WWE status.

Most of the supporters of Hogan, while not defending what he said, draw attention to the fact it happened 8 years ago, and that he was secretly taped during a private moment, with and by people he thought were his friends, for possible financial gain for themselves.

Not everyone is supporting him of course, Mark Henry, Big E, and most vocally CM Punk have come out strongly critical of him, and Henry and HOF'er Jim Ross have supported the action WWE have taken against him.

WWE wedding:

Layla and former WWE star Ricky Ortiz are engaged to be married. Layla has been showing off her ring at lives this weekend.

Cornette slams Owens / Zayn:

Jim Cornette says he thought both men would flop at WWE level, but was glad to be rid of them from ROH as they were both pains in his a$$. He said all French - Canadian wrestlers, bar Pat Patterson were impossible to work with. He called Owens scruffy, dirty, obese, and argumentative, and Zayn was a goof, who wore a dumb mask, couldn't talk, and needed to get a tan to stop being just a ''Ginger Muslim from Montreal'', if he wanted to make it.

He did concede that he was wrong, and that both guys are doing better than he expected.

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