Saturday, July 4, 2015

Today's News

WWE Japan Special:

Pre - Cesaro bt Diego.

Pre - Lucha Dragons bt New Day.

  1. Chris Jericho bt Neville.
  2. Nikki Bella bt Paige and Tamina Snuka.
  3. Brock Lesnar bt Kofi Kingston.
  4. Finn Balor bt Kevin Owens to win the NXT Championship.
  5. Dolph Ziggler & John Cena bt Kane & King Barrett.


  • Tamina Snuka replaced Naomi in match 2, she stayed at home because of a death.
  • Indie stars The Young Bucks were in the crowd to support Kevin Owens.


Earlier this week top TNA exec Andy Barton left, he had been there since the start, but had been working with Dixie Carter since as far back as 1996. TNA say he wanted to pursue other ventures, but Dave Meltzer is claiming that there is much more to the story than the office are letting on, although did not offer any further information.

New WWE UK boss:

Tracey Keenan is the new VP for the United Kingdom and Ireland, she moves from commercial VP for Europe, the Middle East and Asia.


2K are trying to get an agreement to include Samoa Joe on this years game, however, due to the time constraints, he will probably be a DLC in the future.


NWA have now launched their streaming service.


MVP says he intends to lose 15lbs before the next TNA tapings, calling himself a ''Fat ass.''

Hart family feud:

Natalya has revealed a huge backstage feud that happened on the night of WrestleMania 26, where Bret faced off with Vince McMahon. Natalya said it was the first time the family had all been in one place at the same time since Stu Hart died in 03, as the family had fractured following Owen Hart's '99 death. Her aunt Allison started tensions by demanding John Laurinaitis get her food, as she was hungry, and did not see why she should have to buy her own, this led to other members making unreasonable requests, before Bret stepped in, warning his family they were going to make life hard for the younger members of the family, who were employed by the company, not making a special appearance, as they all were. The tensions really ratcheted up in the pre match walk through. Vince McMahon had laid the match out, and was relaying his ideas to the family, but Bruce chimed in that Vince was trying to make himself look like the face, and started making ridiculous suggestions, like Batista, who was in the main event that night, should be involved, trying to work himself into the match, to get a SummerSlam match for himself, and more. Eventually Bret tired of this and demanded he shut up, he then refused to get involved in anything further, and just sat and grumbled for the remainder of the meeting. They ended up making him the referee, instead of Wayne, to try to appease him, but Nattie's mum wasn't happy, she demanded Jim Neidhart be included in the match somehow.

Tough Enough:

Gabi and Amanda are involved in a bitter Twitter feud right now.

Ric Flair:

Ric Flair says WWE made him take a physical, because they want him to do some in ring stuff, he passed.

Vince Russo says WWE ruined Jericho's debut:

He says WWE should have gone with his plans for Y2J's WWE debut...

"It goes without saying that Chris was over in the WWE from the start—however—what many people don't know is that when Ed Ferrara and myself wrote our last WWE show, which was delivered to Vince before we made the decision to go to WCW, we had Jericho defeating "The Rock" in the middle 1-2-3, which Ed and I felt would have almost immediately brought Jericho to a new level, without hurting "The Rock" in doing the job. Unfortunately, once we said our goodbyes to Vince, the finish of the match was changed and Rock beat Chris Jericho. For there, I felt that it took the WWE much longer to get Jericho to that next level–compared to if he would have beaten Rock that night."

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