Friday, July 10, 2015

Today's News

NXT SummerSlam special:

Finn Balor vs Kevin Owens for the NXT Championship will headline the Brooklyn pre SummerSlam NXT special. It will be Owens return match, after losing the championship in Japan last week, and may be his last as an NXT regular, before stepping up to the main roster full time.

Austin Aries:

Austin Aries first match back with ROH will be on July 17. Aries has also hit out at TNA today, saying the promotion dropped the ball during his reign as their champion.


Mattel have announced the first line of NXT action figures will be coming out soon.

Tough Enough:

The remaining Tough Enough contestants will be at next weeks Raw, and this weekends NXT lives.

WWE man at GFW:

Hornswoggle was at the last GFW event, as a fan. He saw the start of the TNA vs GFW angles, Eric Young attacked Jeff Jarrett and stole his TNA title.

WWE reunion:

Paige and AJ Lee reunited today in Los Angeles. Not all positive though, Paige has blasted Eva Marie on Twitter, but this is probably regarding an angle on Total Divas, where the ladies are angry with Eva for taking private wrestling tuition from Brian Kendrick.

WWE fire top exec:

Lisa Fox has worked with the creative team since 1995, and was thought to be a member of Stephanie McMahon's inner circle. No word on what has led to this sudden departure.


Sabu's doctors have demanded he retire from wrestling. He currently has two broken bones in his shoulder. He instead chose to jump on a flight to Europe to fulfill his dates regardless.

TNA getting political:

TNA star Tigre Uno has been tweeting angry messages to WWE Hall Of Famer Donald Trump, over his anti immigrant views...

"I've been silent long enough! @fightbobby tell your good friend @realDonaldTrump that I am proud of my country. My people. My culture."

TNA have announced that Tigre will address Trump on their next episode of Impact.


Davey Richards was knocked unconscious during a match this week, and as a result has had to pull out of his upcoming dates.

Heat on Nattie:

Tyson Kidd has been getting a lot of visitors to his house as he recovers, including Cesaro, DH Smith and Titus O'Neill, who made an Instagram video complaining about Natalya not having any food in her house when he stopped by.

WWE present title:

WWE sent Scott Stanford to meet the female United States football team. He presented them a WWE Championship belt to mark their recent success in the Women's World Cup.

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