Tuesday, July 14, 2015

Today's News

Dolph Ziggler:

Dolph will not be back with WWE for the next several weeks, he has been removed from all listings, causing rumours about his future to continue to swirl around the internet. However, it is now confirmed by PWI that Ziggler has signed his deal, is staying with WWE, and is off TV as he has been given the lead in a WWE movie, which starts taping in Canada this week. He is penciled in to return before SummerSlam.

Hall Of Famer arrested:

Sunny was arrested for DUI last month after hitting a curb on her way into a Walmart car park at 1.30 in the morning. She was asked to do a field sobriety test, and failed, badly, she also collected smaller violations for careless driving and driving with a suspended licence.


Jake The Snake Roberts and Godfather were backstage last night, and the future of the womens division were blooded. Charlotte, Sasha Banks and Becky Lynch had their Raw debuts.


The Undertaker training for Survivor Series?...


Wade Barrett will put his kingship on the line vs R-Truth in the pre show of BattleGround.

Who hired Cesaro:

Simon Dean says he hired Cesaro to WWE, and he is proud of what he is achieving...

"Turned on Raw and saw Cesaro doing his thing. Always puts a smile on my face. True fact - I brought him to TV to get a look when I was still a talent. Then I hired him. Bulls--t caused his delay to eventually get a shot. I was once told he "wouldn't draw" and had "no look". Now he's killing it. I love being right. Couldn't happen to a better dude."

Del Rio found?:

Alberto Del Rio is reportedly at home, but refuses to provide any information regarding his no-showing of events in Texas over the weekend. He is said to be fine, and concerns over his well being are now said to have been expunged. The two promotions say they have now been contacted by Del Rio's people, but cannot make the content of the conversation public, one, clearly unhappy with him, did say they had documentation to dispute the ADR version of the story, and called upon him to rectify the situation.

Feud back on:

The Miz and actor Stephen Amell had been tweeting back and forth posting digs and challenges to each other, leading to some speculation that Miz would take over the planned feud Amell had with Stardust, however Stardust joined in and has picked up his own rivalry with him.

Piper vs Austin:

Despite both Hall Of Famers saying they wanted to put their spat behind them, it is back on. Podcast 1 have sent legal papers to Piper blocking him from hosting a podcast anywhere, or with anyone. Piper immediately took to Twitter to blame Steve Austin for the 
death of his show.

King Of The Ring returns:

WWE have sponsored a pinball tournament, and are naming it after the former PPV King Of The Ring. The tournament is open to players all over the world, and runs from July to December 2015.

GFW signings:

The Bollywood Boys and Matt Cage, who was in the news recently after coming out as gay, have agreed to join Global Force.

Seth Rollins talks the evolution of wrestling:

"I think it's a little antiquated, especially considering the evolution of professional wrestling. If you look at the wrestlers in the '80s and '90s compared to what we do today, I think training in that lifestyle is just asking for injuries. Using limited range of motion to move light weights a bunch of times just to get a pump so you're aesthetically pleasing, I feel like you're begging to hurt. In the ring, we move so fast. We take so many more bumps than those guys did, and we do so much more high-risk stuff. We're athletes now. We're not cartoon characters anymore. To do what I do 250-300 nights a year, if I didn't train like this, I wouldn't be able to do what I do at this level. So for me, yes, I think bodybuilding is slowly drifting out as a placeholder for athletic training, and I think slowly but surely, people understanding they have to train functionally to do this well for a long time."

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