Tuesday, July 21, 2015

Today's News


The Undertaker vs Brock Lesnar has been confirmed as the main event of this years SummerSlam. The match will be Taker's first non WrestleMania PPV match since 2010.


After the WWE plans for Sting were leaked they have pushed his return back. They will now book the Wyatt's vs Reigns & Ambrose, before a third Wyatt is unveiled, and Sting would turn up at the last minute to equal the teams for a traditional SummerSlam six man tag.

Photo, the early draft of the official promotional poster for the event.


The Miz was injured (Ribs) by the elbow drop from the Big Show on Raw last night. Medics came to the ring with a stretcher during a break to help him, but he refused to get on. He was in agony as he walked out of the arena however, and needed to lean on medics for support.

Taker sticking around:

The Undertaker is not only back for SummerSlam, he has been added to the October Mexico tour.


ROH have sent legal papers demanding GFW stop using ROH talent to promote their shows.

TNA release everybody:

TNA have told their talent they are revoking all of their contracts, and would from now on employ them on a per appearance basis. Only Kurt Angle and Jeff Hardy would be retained on guaranteed contracts. TNA are spinning the story positively, they say it will allow their talent much more freedom to work elsewhere, when not on TNA duty, and would give them the chance to earn much more than they can as TNA exclusive stars, but talent have expressed their discomfort with the plans, and more than one source claim to have been told that stars will refuse the new deals when they come into play.

WWE change result:

WWE have changed the result of the main event of BattleGround, they had it as a no contest, but now say Brock Lesnar won by DQ.

NXT star coming back:

Hideo Itami says he hopes to be involved in the NXT pre SummerSlam special.

Virgil vs new diva?:

Virgil tweeted he wanted to help Sasha Banks ''Learn the business.'' Not sure if that was meant as a diss or a genuine offer, but she seems to be doing OK to me.

King Barrett talks lack of effort in him by WWE:

King Barrett has expressed his disappointment in the WWE handling of his new gimmick thus far...

"It depends on the opportunities afforded to me by our writing team. So far, I feel I haven't been the focus of the show but hopefully, that's going to change in the next few weeks or months. Hopefully, I get some solid storylines so that I can show what I can do."

WWE change ethos:

William Regal says WWE have completely changed how they hire talent...

''WWE talent scouts are currently looking for an array of different talents and are foremost concerned with their in-ring acumen. The days of only looking for one type of person are over. They are looking for people who can fill necessary roles for the company, and are particularly interested in men and women who've gotten over in other promotions. When someone recommends a wrestler, the first thing Triple H asks is, "Do they look like they can beat somebody up?." (We) agree that believability is invaluable in (This) line of work.''

He went on to say...

''The perfect age, the best wrestlers are generally around 30-years-old. The most successful people in the wrestling industry have usually been those who possessed an incredible work ethic. WWE developmental used to be nothing but bodybuilders, which ended up proving fruitless you'd get one good one, out of every thousand."

He also provided advice for future stars...

''The best exercises for pro wrestlers... Seth Rollins and Ryback both do burpees, because standard cardio can't keep them in "Wrestling shape." Also hill running and kettlebell swinging. MMA training is probably more suitable for today's prospective Superstars (Than mat wrestling). Boxing is also probably more applicable than amateur wrestling, as boxing footwork is more akin to how pro wrestlers perform. Wrestling academies should teach everyone to roll before teaching them how to bump If you can roll at every angle, it becomes second nature to protect yourself when you fall."

He called for a change in culture...

''(We need a) change in wrestling culture, as far as wrestlers taking bumps on their head or neck. People should stop using brain busters because the casual fan thinks you just messed up a vertical suplex."

He ended by urging young wrestlers to look after their necks, if they wanted longevity in the sport.

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