Monday, July 13, 2015

Today's News

Feud ends:

Zeus has called an end to his feud with John Cena, and says he should start thinking about moving on from WWE, and come to Hollywood, to make movies... with him.

UFC man wins gold:

Matt Riddle has won the Monster Factory Championship, his first title since moving into wrestling.


Bayley is back in action following her broken hand, and Alex Riley is close to a return from his knee surgery.

Actor cuts WWE promo:

Stephen Amell took his chance to cut his teeth at wrestling promos at the Comic Con in San Diego last night, he performed a WWE style speech as his character from the show 'Arrow'. He however still insists he will not be wrestling for WWE at SummerSlam...

Power struggle over Gabriel:

Justin Gabriel has revealed Vince McMahon called him after he left WWE to tell him the door would still be open, should he choose to return in the future, only for Triple H to then call and tell him he would have a long wait before he would allow him back, after he turned his back on the company...

"Possibly, in two or three years who knows, I don't plan that far ahead. Vince actually called me and said he knew I wanted to do my own thing and have more wrestling time so he told me go away for two or three years and go do my thing and possibly comeback. Hunter on the other hand didn't like the way I did it because I quit over the phone and told me he's going to make me wait ages before I'm allowed to come back to WWE."


Official teaser...

  • Does Lesnar want more destruction?
  • Is Roman Reigns more afraid of Bray Wyatt than he's willing to admit?
  • How will Sheamus respond to The Viper?
  • Can anyone stop Team Bella?
  • Is Owens rethinking his Cena strategy?

The Tough Enough cast have made the eight hour trip to the show, and a major star will make his first appearance on the pre show. Charlotte and Becky Lynch of NXT are backstage, and may appear.

Stardust will also return to TV tonight. He posted this tribute to his dad as he prepares for his match, attached to this photo...

"...Finish what you start kid..." - The American Dream Dusty Rhodes.

WWE sign Hall Of Famers:

Tatsumi Fujinami and JJ Dillion have, or will soon, sign WWE legends deals.

Piper vs Austin:

Roddy Piper has again attacked Steve Austin for his firing from Podcast 1 and WWE...

"There was a lot of love in it [the podcast], but I guess not for you. That's my mistake then. Come Monday, when the episode aired, the company had taken down not only the podcast, but all of my podcasts and took me off the air because Steve, you were upset and you went and talked to them. OK, got it."

He confirmed he did go to talk to the head of the station, but after his channel had been cleared of content, and was told he would only get the channel back if he agreed to never speak about Austin again. Piper demanded the offending episode be reinstated, and when his request was refused, he went and put it back up with another provider...

"I didn't mean to offend you in any way, and I still don't see it. However, I don't need to. If you got offended by it, then I am sorry for whatever... I didn't get it I guess, so I got out. It's that simple. So for you, I've got all the respect in the world for what you've done. I hope you do all the things that you want to, and Hershey the Wonder Dog [laughs]. I don't want to deal with it anymore. So I'm done with it, I didn't lie about anything, and my heart's in the right place in my life, and I've got my family on my side."

He said that this would be the last he would say on the matter, but did have a final swipe, saying Austin's career amounted to three words ''Hell Yeah'' and ''What''.

GFW announce championships:

They will have a Global Championship, Tag Team Championship, a Womens Championship, and a Next Gen Championship, which would be an age limit title, designed to promote the future of the business by showcasing the youngsters.

Tournaments will be held to crown the first champs, here are the planned matches...

Global Title Tournament Matches...

  • Brian Myers (Curt Hawkins) vs. Chris Mortedzky (Chris Masters)
  • Bobby Roode vs. TBA
  • Kongo Kong vs. Nick Aldis (Magnus)

NEX*GEN Title Tournament Matches...

  • PJ Black (Justin Gabriel) vs. Sanada
  • Jigsaw vs. Sonjay Dutt

Tag Team Title Tournament...

  • Chris Sabin and Kushida vs. Reno SCUM

Women's Title Tournament...

  • Christina Von Eerie vs. Mickie James vs. Lei'D Tapa

Daniel Bryan:

Daniel Bryan's biog hits stores next Tuesday.

Del Rio disappears:

Fears for the safety of Alberto Del Rio have emerged after he no showed a charity event he had been paid in advance for. The Texan promoter apologised, and revealed the promotion had agreed to Del Rio's every demand, including payment up front, and a four star hotel, despite the event being for charity, but he not only did not get off his flight, he was also refusing to answer their calls to him. The story developed as today went on, with a second promoter to have him booked saying he too cannot reach the former WWE man, claiming no-one could contact him and that he had ''Seemingly disappeared.''

Tyson Kidd:

It has already been reported that only 5% of people that suffer the injury Tyson Kidd has survive, but in addition every survivor, bar Tyson, including actor Christopher Reeve, have been left in a quadriplegic state after their accident, leaving some medics calling Kidd's status a medical miracle, he has been a truly lucky boy.


Randy Orton vs Sheamus is now official.

Dolph Ziggler:

There is some speculation that Dolph Ziggler's injury was done to write him out of WWE, as he still has not signed his deal. Can't confirm if that is true, but he is not at tonights TV's.

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