Monday, July 6, 2015

Today's News

Darren Young:

Natalya has discussed the backstage reaction to Darren Young's coming out...

"One of my best friends at WWE is Darren Young. Darren stood up loud and proud and said, 'This is who I am.' And like a lot of our fans, that's who he is and he is proud of who he is. He's not going to hide who he is anymore. He is one of my greatest friends at WWE and one of our greatest inspirations in this company because he did something that was really courageous. He stood up for what he believes in and he stood up for who he is inside and we all rallied behind him because it takes a lot of courage to do that."

Close call for WWE couple:

The Miz and Maryse narrowly avoided a serious auto wreck in the early hours of this morning. They were on the way to the airport when a speeding car, swerving around, and clearly out of control, near side swiped them before hitting another vehicle. I have not been able to find any information regarding the status of the parties involved in the smash.

Nexus man back in the ring:

David Otunga worked his first match since January at a local WWE live event this weekend. He lost to R-Truth.

Foley joins Chyna campaign:

''I had to laugh when I was accused on social media a few days ago of becoming a corporate sell-out for WWE - I guess because I compliment them and their product quite a bit. But, as I mentioned to my wife, corporate sell-outs don't tend to invite Chyna over to hang out with their family and watch WWE PPV's. But seeing Chyna recently brought back a flood of great memories - of not only how good a friend she was to me, but how incredibly kind she was to my daughter so many years ago - taking her by the hand, doing her make-up, treating her to that dorky, nerdy humor, and that amazing laugh. Most of you reading this probably have either forgotten that amazing laugh...or never knew it existed in the first place. Now she's part of a documentary film, "The Reconstruction of Chyna", which I hope will help her find peace, and closure - and maybe even her rightful place in the WWE Hall of Fame. To learn more about her documentary, and how you can contribute to her kickstarter campaign, just go here.

Now, if you'll excuse me, I have some corporate selling-out to get back to.''


Photo, here is the official cover art for this years WWE game. The reveal was supposed to be on Raw tonight, no word on why they brought it forward, maybe a leak?.

Austin has also made an ad for the game, and commented on the honour...

"I think it speaks to the impact my career had on the business.It was a testament to the times when the business was as hot as it's ever been. I got a chance to lead that charge and all these years later, it comes back around."

He also says it is a good final chapter to his career, hinting that he has decided not to wrestle again...

"I think I've left everything that I've got in the ring. There's no reason to go back in the ring and prove anything. I had to ride off into the sunset a little bit earlier than I'd have liked. But that final match I had at WrestleMania with The Rock was my last match."

Raw teaser:

  • Dean Ambrose and Roman Reigns are Defying Authority
  • Turn the Paige with the Divas division
  • The Fall of Roman Reigns?
  • The Awesome Opportunist The Miz and the Intercontinental Title
  • A prizefighter without a prize Kevin Owens

Austin Aries:

Austin Aries has signed for ROH.

Bella's fight for the future:

Brie and Nikki Bella have revealed they are badgering Vince McMahon to bring more girls up from NXT to broaden the women's division.

Hall Of Famer no shows:

Scott Hall has not flown to an indie booking, and did not inform the promotion...

"I regret to inform you guys that I went to the airport to pick up Scott hall and he never came. I haven't heard anything. I am really sorry and I'll try to make it up to you guys. I don't know what happened but I hope everything is ok and though we are disappointed we should give him the benefit of the doubt."

Hall Of Famers feud:

Roddy Piper has accused Steve Austin of having him fired and costing him his podcast over an on air impression of the rattlesnake on his last episode. He said the spot was done with love and respect, and was now convinced that Austin had no sense of humour, and says he reacted far too strongly. Piper's podcast will continue with another provider.

MVP denies departure:

MVP has denied he is leaving TNA, and says his openness to accepting indie bookings is allowed within the terms of his TNA deal.

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