Sunday, July 12, 2015

Today's News

Attitude Era:

John Cena has discussed why WWE dropped the iconic Attitude Era...

"In the height of the Attitude Era, it could be compared to a touring frat party. We made a conscious effort to clean up.""In the height of the Attitude Era, it could be compared to a touring frat party. We made a conscious effort to clean up."


Yesterday was the second anniversary of the opening of the WWE Performance Center.

Connor The Crusher:

Connor's brother Jackson (Good name bro) and his folks were backstage at a WWE live last night.

Legends coming to Scotland:

The Million Dollar Man, Chyna and Colt Cabana have signed up for Hell For Lycra 12, which will take place on August 29.

TV star saves wrestling:

Apparently wrestling was in it's death throws, must have missed that story, woops.

The New York Post have penned an article crediting Jon Stewart with saving wrestling, after his angles with Seth Rollins earlier this year. They say wrestling has never been more popular than it is since Stewart stepped into the world of WWE in February.


WWE have named "Heavy" by The Glorious Sons as the official theme song for the event.

Legends son bombs:

WWE gave Tony Chimel's son the mic for last night live events, but he did not do too well, and was replaced by his dad after a couple of matches.

Lana training for the ring?:

Lana is training with former NXT star Erika Hammond.

Renee reveals emotional first day with WWE:

Renee Young said she was very upset when WWE told her she would be given a stage name upon joining WWE, and that it was not part of her deal, or talks before she joined up...

"I think it's just a thing they do with everybody. I thought with me coming in as an announcer, it's not like I'm going to have merchandise that they're going to make money off of, but I think it's just a rights thing. I definitely cried one time about changing my name. Now I kind of just deal with it."

Hall Of Famer remembers discovering Kevin Nash:

Sgt. Slaughter says of Diesel getting signed by WWE...

"Whether Shawn Michaels called him or not, I did discover Diesel in a box of tapes one time. I showed it to Vince McMahon, and he told me to give him a tryout…I've been around a long time. Coming up the ranks I've got to see those who were sons of professional wrestlers get in the ring when they were five years old. I would wrestle around with them. Guys like The Rock and Randy Orton. Just to see some of the other Samoan kids now. That's all they thought about was professional wrestling. They would get in the ring, and we would work out with them. Now to see them blossoming the proper way to get into pro wrestling and sports entertainment business, just makes your heart feel good."

It's WWF!:

A Tennessee man has been arrested for arguing with police over the name of the WWE, he was adamant that police call it by it's old name during a drunken argument he was having with some friends. They didn't so he started destroying furniture.

WWE employee in heated spat with Alum's wife:

Shannon Moore's wife Julie, who works in the WWE costume department, has angrily slammed the Hardy's, Matt and his wife Reby, accusing them of hacking her Twitter. Things got controversial when she insinuated their new child is not Matt's, and in reality is ''Half black''.

Reby responded by revealing that Julie had allegedly had an affair with Justin Gabriel, and started bombarding WWE with demands they sack her for blatant racism.

Julie confirmed the police had been alerted to the messages, but denied racism, and denied the messages were aimed at Reby, she said she was talking about the person(s) that had harassed her anonymously for six years, and questioned if Reby's tweets were an admission of her guilt.

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