Friday, July 17, 2015

Today's News

Legend set to make WWE debut:

William Regal has announced Jushin Thunder Liger will make his WWE debut for NXT at the pre SummerSlam NXT special in Brooklyn, in August. His opponent will be Tyler Breeze.

This may be the first step in a big announcement regarding ROH and NXT in the future, big moves are going on behind the curtain, and we should know what is going on soon. This is still controversial though, as Liger works for NJPW, and they have a running talent exchange deal with ROH, who will be hosting a show in New York the same night as the NXT special.

Jericho staying on:

Chris Jericho has extended his current WWE deal by a month, and will now work live shows in September, in Canada and New York.

Seth Rollins outspoken interview:

Seth Rollins has pulled no punches in an out of kayfabe interview today, highlights...

On Brock Lesnar...

"I feel like I've had a lot of 'biggest matches of my career' up until this point. I would say this one is certainly special. I mean, there's not a lot of guys who get the opportunity to go one-on-one with Brock Lesnar at this point in his career, so to be one of those guys to main event a pay-per-view with Brock Lesnar over a very prestigious title it all adds up to being certainly one of if not—I'll leave that up to you and the other media pundits to decide what is the biggest match of my career—but it certainly ranks up there with the very, very biggest of my career.''

On John Cena and the US Title...

"The WWE (World Heavyweight) Championship is the most dominant title in the company no matter what, no matter who is wearing what other title, this is the big boy, this is the one that everybody wants and if John (Cena) tells you any different he's a liar". But the bottom line, though, is that I'm always competing with John Cena, John's a guy who has set the bar extremely high for the past 10, 12-15 years, he's a guy who—not only in the ring, but outside the ring—is an example of what a WWE Superstar should be and he has put in the work over that period of time to prove that and that's definitely something I strive to be as well. I strive to have that work ethic and instill that in people around me the way John has over the past decade and a half so I'm always competing with John Cena in my mind, but my title is the title and there's definitely no doubt about that."

On Tough Enough's cast...

"Not one person stood out to me (on Tough Enough)." Not a single one, nope, not one. I went down there and I tried to help them out, give them a few pointers here and there, let them know what it takes to be a star but, let me tell you, those kids got it easy. They don't know anything about anything when it comes to putting in the time, they think they're going to get through this little three-month course and they're going to be WWE Superstars and they're going to be famous, and rich and travel the world. That's not how it works, it's a whole lot of hard work and I think they're going to figure that out along the way, or they're going to fall by the wayside. For me, I didn't see a whole lot, maybe as they move along in the process they'll show more personality and a little more guts, but for now I'm not holding my breath."

On John Morrison's criticism of him...

"If I'm not mistaken, I believe John Morrison is a zero-time WWE World Heavyweight champion. Mind you, zero. As in never once did he win the big one. And I'm, what, not even three years into my WWE career and I've already won Money in the Bank, won the WWE title at WrestleMania, first-ever NXT champion so there's a lot of things that I've already destroyed John Morrison at and if John Morrison thinks he can take me in any of those endeavors, I would love for John Morrison to step up and say something like that to my face."

He also revealed why his finisher was banned...

"It was a decision that was collectively made from a PR standpoint. Curb stomp just seemed like it was too perceptually violent, I guess you would say. I never hurt anyone with it. It was just something we didn't want kids trying on each other."

Legends want WWE return:

The Dudley Boyz say they do not understand why WWE are still not picking up the phone to bring them back...


"For us not to be back there, knowing that we're in the best shape we've ever been in, I don't understand it. We're better now than we were ten or fifteen years ago. I understand that they want the future. But without the older generation that paved the way for these young guys to come, you're not going to have it. Wrestling is a lost art, so you need the older guys like us to help show the younger guys how it's done. I don't understand it, though I know it needs to be on their terms."


"Take the Dudley Boyz and put them back in WWE, and you'd add instant credibility to the tag division. The great thing about the Dudleys is we can work with any team and we can work any style. Not only will we help one team get over and learn and get better, but we can help all of them. It seems pretty simple to me – having the Dudleys back in the WWE is best for business, so I don't have a really great answer for why we are not there. Only they know. You would think the most decorated tag team in the history of WWE would be able to go back into a company and breathe life into the tag division. It may never happen, but you never say never. It could be right around the corner."

SummerSlam SPOILER!!!:

The Undertaker and Sting will both be working matches at SummerSlam, according to multiple sources, no conformation that it will be against each other.

Make me a millionaire:

Virgil has launched a GoFundMe asking fans to make him the ''Million Dollar Man''. In the 17 days since he launched the campaign he has earned $85, $55 of which has been made today, since the internet started reporting about it.

TNA turn on Hernandez:

TNA have blamed Hernandez for the dispute with Lucha Underground over his services. They say he presented himself as a free agent when they approached him, he was not. He had asked for his release from LU, but they refused, saying they did not want him to work televised matches for other promotions. LU provided TNA with documentation proving he was still under contract, and they felt they had no choice but to drop him. TNA claim they approached LU with a financial package to allow them to use the footage they have in the can for upcoming episodes, but LU say that no such approach was made.

Diana Hart says she suspected the Montreal screwjob was coming:

She says Davey Boy Smith was told he would drop the European title to Shawn Michaels a couple of hours before he wrestled him at a UK PPV, a last minute change to the script, and that concerned her...

"I don't recall Davey having any hard feelings with anyone. When the Montreal thing happened with Bret, we started thinking back and wondering if there was more to that match. Suddenly the finish changing the afternoon of the pay-per-view, we wondered if things were being put in place where they were immobilizing The Hart Foundation, taking away all the power to get ready for the Montreal match with Bret. I'm thinking that we didn't know if Bret was going to give his notice. Bret might have known."

WWE celebs feud:

Ronda Rousey has explained why she took a shot at Floyd Mayweather after winning an award this week. 
She said that now Mayweather knew how it felt to be beaten by a woman for a change, reference to allegations of domestic abuse he has faced in the past, and this is why...

"I know for damn sure he knew who I was. He was running against me for 'Best Fighter' that year and he had signed MMA fighters, so his feigned ignorance was meant to really be a snarky remark to me. I don't let those kind of things slide, but I'm also a patient girl. I'm not the kind of chick you make snarky remarks about. I waited a whole year to say something. And you know what? If I didn't win 'Best Fighter' this year, I would have waited two years or three years. It got a big reaction, and I've got a fight to sell. So great timing, huh? I'm not dumb."

Bound For Glory:

TNA are expected to announce that Charlotte, NC will host this years Bound For Glory, next week.

Bryan announces retirement:

Well, no, he didn't. A radio station claimed that Daniel Bryan gave them an exclusive announcement that he would soon confirm 
his career is over. Bryan has since taken to Twitter to refute their story...

''I appreciate all the thank yous, but the entire interview claiming that I said my time is over is a fake. I will be back wrestling.''

Attempts to get a comment from the radio station by multiple people have gone unanswered.

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