Wednesday, July 15, 2015

Today's News

The Rock:

The Rock posted a graphic video of a ghastly injury to his hand, which he said had happened during filming of his newest movie. He later revealed it was just a prank.

Security Guard sues WWE roster:

A security guard that says he was injured at a WWE show in 2013 is suing every wrestler on the card the night he got hurt. He says he was hit about the head and neck with a steel chair, causing permanent and serious injuries. He does admit to not knowing who it was that hit him (Although he believes it was Dean Ambrose), so until someone admits it, has decided to sue all of the following talent...

  • John Cena
  • Ryback
  • Dean Ambrose
  • Roman Reigns
  • Seth Rollins
  • Daniel Bryan
  • Cesaro
  • Fandango
  • Damien Sandow
  • Cody Rhodes
  • Kane
  • R-Truth

His wife is also suing the same talent due to the emotional distress she has suffered, due to the lack of her husband being able to perform his conjugal responsibilities, which has caused her mental distress.

WWE have released a statement saying that they have no record of this incident, and after contacting the firm that hired him, discovered that he also never reported the incident to them, so will fight the action vigourously.

Tough Enough:

Gabi was the fourth star eliminated from Tough Enough last night. She claims she was going to quit the show anyway, after a falling out with another competitor got nasty.

Corey Graves was unimpressed with the TE cast, Tweeting...

''Honestly, if this is "the future," I should probably un-retire.''

Which earned him some vile abuse from fans.

The sub may also need to be subbed, Chelsea suffered an ankle injury this morning.

Eden blasts fans:

Cody (Stardust) Rhodes wife has furiously blasted fans for their callous and insensitive behaviour aimed toward her husband at his return show last night...

On internet fans criticising his return as Stardust, and not mentioning Dusty's death in his return angle...

"Last night my husband returned to RAW to finish what he started and some "fans" we're peeved with him ANGRY because they wanted something else. They wanted him to use what happened to his father as a "stepping stone". Not for Cody, but for themselves. Maybe that's to feel better about everything or maybe they are just that selfish. But to publicly crap on the most courageous thing someone in this position could do which was pick up and carry on and do it brilliantly, shame on you."

On the woman that demanded they take a picture with her, because she ''Paid their bills''...

"Sometimes you have to take a stand and say something, like last night when my husband after being away grieving for a month was yelled to as we are loading our car 'come take a picture with us, we pay your bills'. It didn't get her a picture. It got her choice words from me because no one owns us. I like Garth Brooks, I've paid money to see him live, hear his music. But I would never dare say to Mr. Brooks 'take a picture with me because I pay your bills'. But hey, I'm not a complete idiot… pride myself in that. But to say something like that to someone who's been through SO much in the past month."

Cody tweeted, via his personal account, that he too was disappointed with fans attitude, and confirmed he would be keeping the Stardust gimmick, as it was the first name he had in the sport, and it was his dad that gave it to him.

SmackDown SPOILERS!!!:

  • Lucha Dragons vs New Day.
  • Jack Swagger vs King Barrett.
  • Cesaro vs Rusev.
  • Neville vs Stardust.
  • Big Show & Sheamus vs Dean Ambrose & Roman Reigns.

ADR apology?:

Alberto Del Rio has spoken about his weekend no show of a charity event, he had been paid for in advance, but if this is the apology he apparently promised, it is pretty half a$$ed...

''Due to personal reasons I wasn't able to attend the event of @ClutchCityProd they did everything in their power to have me there.''


Gunner says he was dropped by TNA due to their financial problems, but says it has only made him hungrier to get to his ultimate goal of making it to WWE.


Combat Zone have signed their first ever PPV deal, and are now working on the dates and booking venues to host the shows.

Is Cena going to Hollywood?:

John Cena has been asked if he is ready to make the switch from the ring to the movies, he says no...

"My life is with WWE. And at 38 years old I tell everybody I feel as strong and as good as ever."


TNA have signed a new deal with a new production company, possibly meaning their issues with the current production personnel have come to an irrevocable fork in the road.

Khali, future of wrestling:

The Great Khali claims WWE have paid him $2 Million for three of his students from his wrestling school in India, and will continue to do so annually.

UK icon turns down Mania match:

Boxer Lennox Lewis has confirmed WWE offered him £5 Million to wrestle Brock Lesnar at WrestleMania 18 in 2002. WWE wanted to get Lesnar over with a high profile first PPV match, and the boxer admits he was interested, until he found out Lesnar would not be wearing gloves. He baulked at that idea and withdrew from the negotiations.

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