Saturday, July 11, 2015

Today's News

WWE stars nominated:

The Bella Twins have been nominated for a female athlete award, their competition includes Ronda Rousey, Serena Williams, Danica Patrick, Simone Biles, and the United States female football team.

CM Punk:

CM Punk has announced he will compete at Welterweight, and will make his UFC debut in either December or January 2016, he hopes for a match this year.

Brie talks Daniel Bryan's future:

In a UK interview, Brie says things are very uncertain, but she continues to support Daniel's hopes of a ring return...

"You know he's doing really well, he is, but it has been very hard," Brie admitted. "This injury unlike any other has just been the hardest because in the past we at least knew 'okay it's surgery, this long to recover', he unfortunately had a relapse, but then we knew how long it would be to recover after the relapse. But with this one it's so unclear and that's the hard thing. As a wife, to put myself away from wrestling, as a wife it's so hard to see your husband go through this. I mean, you know when doctors are starting to think, and you see his dreams come crashing down, it breaks my heart. To the point where I wish I was in his position and he was in mine because I hate seeing him like that. But my husband has so much fight in him and he tells me every day 'I'm getting back in that ring, just you watch' and I'm like 'oh I bet you will'. I have his support 100% and I really think he will get back in there, I really do. He doesn't see it any other way."

Alundra Blayze talks meeting Vince for the first time since the bin incident:

"We both just held each other and I squeezed him so tight. I started getting emotional and kind of crying."

And after revealing she had brought the Women's title back, Vince said she could keep it, she said...

"I think I almost fainted."

Big Show blasts dead wrestlers families:

Big Show has spoken out against families suing WWE for wrongful death in this video interview...

John Cena Penney:

John Cena has been at the HQ of retail outlet JC Penney today, he is in talks over a deal, possibly regarding his boys clothing line.

WWE exec fired:

Lisa Fox was fired from her twenty year WWE career because she took the hump over being promoted from creative to work alongside Vince McMahon. Since making the step up in January she has ''Checked out'' and WWE grew tired of her lack of motivation for her new role.

Death kills match:

Actor Stephen Amell says he is not now sure if the planned SummerSlam match vs Stardust will happen, after Stardust taking time away following the loss of his father, but promised fans that he will still be involved in some capacity.

Lilian Garcia:

Lilian Garcia is learning to play guitar.

Flair talks death of WCW:

Ric Flair says he does not blame Vince Russo for the death of WCW, acknowledging that he did not always like or agree with his decisions, but says it was problems higher up the food chain, citing Ted Turner giving up on the promotion, that was the final straw for the group.

TNA pay problems:

TNA are trying to shuffle their finances around to pay their production crew the two months money they are owed, as a threat to no show the July 22 invasion tapings has gotten back to the office, and TNA are putting most of their chips on the table for this angle, hoping this will be a big deal in their fight for survival.

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