Thursday, July 2, 2015

Today's News

WrestleMania 32:

Vince McMahon has decided the top six matches for next years WrestleMania, and they do not include Undertaker vs Sting, Vince is adamantly opposed to the idea of the match, but Sting will be a feature of the event, possibly as the star inductee into the Hall Of Fame. Obviously plans may change, especially his planned tag team main event (Rock & Ronda Rousey vs Triple H & Stephanie McMahon), Rock and UFC boss Dana White are said to be more in control of that match than Vince is.

TNA not happy with Jarrett:

TNA roster morale is said to be at an all time low after the office handling of the Jeff Jarrett return. The feelings of frustrations stem from TNA ''Kayfabing'' the locker room to keep his return secret, only to announce it immediately on Twitter, before the appearance had aired on TV.

Dolph Ziggler:

Dolph Ziggler has been sitting on his WWE deal for five weeks, but has still not signed, he is expected to, but is biding his time, for reasons known only to him.

Double induction:

WWE will induct Tatsumi Fujinami into the Hall Of Fame again this week. They have a special presentation planned for the Japan tour.

Trish plays her part:

Trish Stratus carried the torch of the Pan Am games this weekend.

WWE start legal actions against HOF'ers, legends, and more:

WWE have filed legal writs against Blackjack Mulligan, Bird Man Koko B. Ware, Ivan Koloff, Dynamite Kid, and a number of ''John Doe'' defendants, thought to be counter suits against the concussion and wrongful death plaintiffs. The idea is this would force the courts to bring the original cases into the Connecticut legal system, rather than have cases going on all over the country, and the Connecticut legal system would block the cases from being heard elsewhere.

WWE released this statement explaining why they have taken this action...

''WWE Defends Against False Allegations.

WWE filed a lawsuit in Connecticut to protect the company from a series of fraudulent claims made by a Massachusetts attorney regarding alleged concussion-related injuries. A few examples of such false allegations from this lawyer include:

  • Claims in two different federal courts that five individuals died prematurely due to head injuries when in fact all five individuals are alive today.
  • Falsely stating that an individual's years of performance with WWE spanned 22 years from 1985 through 2007, when in fact the individual performed for only 2 years (1985-1986 and 1992-1993) and made one appearance in 2007.
  • Alleging that head injury led to the death of a morbidly obese former performer who died of a heart attack years after last performing for WWE.
  • A claim that an individual suffered from deafness allegedly due to head injury when said individual has publicly stated that he was deaf since birth.
  • Claiming that head injury led to the accidental drug overdose of a former performer over 20 years after he last performed.

It is unfortunate that some former performers have been improperly recruited under the guise of a big 'pay day', and we feel badly that these individuals are being misled and exploited."


Becky Lynch is out for five weeks with a hip injury. She had been working through the pain, but the problem is getting worse, so she has been pulled from the active list to heal.

Kevin Owens:

Kevin Owens has been pinned for the first time on an NXT show, Finn Balor got the job done in a tag team match.

Michael Jackson costs us a Mania match?:

Stone Cold Steve Austin has shared a rather embarrassing tale of an accident that led to a hospital visit recently. He was in his trailer during a taping of his reality show, when, inbetween takes, he decided to have a shower. A Michael Jackson song came on the radio, and he started dancing, attempting the moonwalk, managing two steps before falling flat on his face with his shoulder trapped underneath him. He could not extract himself so had to call the fire services for help. He also says during the accident his bath scrubber managed to insert itself into a sensitive area of his anatomy, and had to be removed by medics.

TNA star to GFW:

Bobby Roode will be working the next GFW show, he is the first TNA man to represent the promotion at a GFW show.

Magnus speaks out:

Magnus has spoken about why he left TNA...

"When I gave my notice, by the time we got off the phone, I felt like 100 lb weight has been lifted off my back. To be honest, it's been very turbulent. There were certain things I heard in the conference call, where the talent said things like I'm disgusted by this, or we have the right to know…the thing you have to remember is nobody owes you a living. You don't have a right to be guaranteed anything."

Brock on tour:

Brock Lesnar may be added to the Australia and UK tours set for later this year.

CM Punk:

Dana White says he feels CM Punk should be ready to compete for UFC early next year.

Hogan court case delayed:

Hulk Hogan's sex tape case has been delayed indefinitely due to a legal technicality.

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