Tuesday, July 28, 2015

Today's News


John Cena suffered a horribly broken nose during last nights Raw, he needed medical treatment during the match, but continued, and beat Seth Rollins to retain his US Title. WWE released this picture, and the following statement...

"As you can see on television tonight, John suffered from a nasal fraction. He's got quite a bit of displacement, so we sent him over to the local emergency room so he can be evaluated by the ears, nose and throat doctor who's on call tonight and see what can be done to properly repair it."

This was not the only injury, Alicia Fox reportedly suffered a concussion, but this may be kayfabe as WWE want to bring NXT diva Bayley into the current angles, and need someone to make way.

Hulk Hogan signs were banned, and security were making fans wearing Hogan T-shirts change them before entering the arena, they were also telling fans not to tape the show on their phones with the Periscope App.

Watch PPV for a fiver:

WWE are considering offering PPV events to non Network subscribers for the price of $4.99 per event.

Steve Austin:

Steve Austin will interview Paige on the Network next week.

AAA sign WWE announcers:

Matt Striker and Hugo Savinovich will call Triple Mania for English speaking fans.

Hulk Hogan:

Homosexuals were the target of the latest leak from the Hogan sex tape...

"VH1 wanted me to do a big thing and go back to the house I grew up in. So we knock on the door and a big f*g lives there now! This half-gay was enamored with Linda."

The victim of his racial slurs has been named as Cecile Barker.

WWE are torn on the new Scooby Doo movie. They want to cut Hogan from that too, but his scene is shared with Dusty Rhodes, and the family wanted Dusty to stay in the movie after he died, to cut Hogan, they would need to cut Dusty too. They have also confirmed they will need to re-shoot Hogan's WWE movie.

Kamala continues to defend Hogan, saying Vince has said and done just as bad things to black employees, and he alleges he made it quite clear he did not like black wrestlers, and would not pay them the same wages as the white skinned talent.

WWE have contacted all retailers in the US asking them to remove all Hogan merchandise from sale as soon as possible.


Roderick Strong has re-signed with ROH.

Actor at SummerSlam:

Actor Stephen Amell has cancelled his SummerSlam weekend bookings, freeing him up to attend the WWE show.

Sting turns down SummerSlam match?:

WWE had been talking to Sting about either a 6 man with Reigns & Ambrose vs The Wyatts or teaming with actor Stephen Amell against Stardust & The Miz, but as of this afternoon say Sting is not now in the plans for the event.

Hideo Itami:

Hideo Itami has earned his US driving licence after failing his test 27 times (According to Finn Balor).

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