Tuesday, July 7, 2015

Today's News

RIP to the 52 victims of 7/7/05. Sad reminder of a dark day in my country's past.

Alicia Fox:

Alicia Fox will appear in two episodes of Dominion on SyFy, on July 8 and 16.

WWE Japan special:

WWE's UK distributor has expressed an interest in releasing the Beast In The East special on DVD, WWE are yet to respond.

New baby:

Ronda Rousey has revealed that WWE Alum Eve Torres has given birth to her first child, a girl.

Dusty Rhodes:

Goldust and Stardust were backstage at Raw last night. Their first time back since their dad died.

Hogan brawl:

Hulk Hogan was caught up in a huge brawl at his Florida restaurant this past weekend.

Piper vs Austin:

Steve Austin addressed Roddy Piper's accusations against him on his last podcast. After saying he did not want the drama in his life...

"Hey man, I'm 50. I ain't got time for no soap opera, I don't want no BS in my life. I've created enough and been in enough way back in the day to [not] do it anymore."

He went on to discuss what had happened. He said Piper went to talk to the president of Podcast One, where he (Piper) had apparently asked to leave the channel, and his request was granted, Austin says he was told other details but did not want to share them, as he was not involved in the conversation.

He went on to praise Piper for his career, and said he held no hard feelings, but was moving on from the matter.

Tyson Kidd:

Tyson Kidd has revealed that only 5% of people that suffer the injury he had survive, he said he is very lucky.

Lesnar injures fan:

A fan was hit by the car door thrown by Brock Lesnar on Raw last night. The man was taken backstage and checked out by WWE medics before returning to his seat with armfuls of merch.

Cena pops for Cesaro:

John Cena cut a promo after Raw that had some fans in tears. His praise for his opponent Cesaro was so glowing. He told Cesaro the fans loved him, he should be in the main event every night, and urged him to keep fighting, as he can do things in the ring that no-one else can do.


Eric Young will be working for Global Force this weekend, so will Mickie James.

WWE developmental for sale:

Danny Davis says he has decided to sell his OVW promotion. He had run the group for 22 years.

You can't fire me!:

Magnus has revealed he not only left TNA, TNA could not have released him, even if they wanted too. He had a provision in his contract that stopped TNA from ending his employment, without his agreement.

Tyrus heat with TNA:

The former Brodus Clay has revealed he is mad at TNA right now, over Jeff Jarrett's TNA appearance. He had been told he could not work for GFW by TNA, and had released a statement apologising, only to be told he now can work the dates...

''What... the hell?' Immediately one of the reps came up to me and said, 'You can work his shows now.' I told him it was very important that you get away from me right now. I was hot."


Chyna has revealed that WWE were building her up to be the first female World champion, but her decision to do Playboy killed the planned angle, as Vince did not want people to focus on her femininity.

She also confirmed her kickstarter has now reached it's goal, and her documentary will be released when completed.

Samoa Joe:

Samoa Joe has been training with Batista today.

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