Monday, July 7, 2014

Today's News

Santino Marella:

More on the retirement of Santino. He told fans in Toronto that he would not be able to wrestle any more after a third neck injury three weeks ago, and apologized to them repeatedly. He also broke kayfabe and told fans he was always annoyed that WWE announced him as from Italy, as he was a very proud Canadian. His last TV match was vs Rusev on Main Event on June 17, but he has worked some live shows since, he now hopes to be an on screen personality, such as a General Manager.

WWE have acknowledged the promo he cut, but were more vague on his future, confirming his neck injury and that it could mean he has worked his last WWE match.


Several TNA stars worked the last Wrestle-1 show to build angles for Bound For Glory.

Former TNA star Cody Deaner is releasing his first CD.

Raw teaser:

* Will The Authority find a way to stop Dean Ambrose from stopping Seth Rollins?

* Will The Wyatt Family appear during Jericho vs. The Miz?

* Is Paige playing mind-games with AJ Lee?

* Will the "Cold War" between Rusev and Jack Swagger heat up?

* Who will join the Intercontinental Title Battle Royal?

Bret Hitman Hart will be in attendance.


The reason WWE dropped Emma after her arrest has emerged. WWE were concerned that her Work Permit and Visa would be cancelled due to the conviction, but after seeking further advice from the arresting police force, they became aware that that was not the case, and they rescinded the release.

WWE cuts:

Vince McMahon has demanded that WWE cut a further $20 Million by the end of this year, probably meaning more releases, decreased production values and further backstage restructuring.

Steve Austin on the lost art of wrestling:

"I disagree with (scripting). I think the nature of a promo has to come from your heart and your guts and you have to mean everything that you're saying. Now is the perfect time to go back to that formula. You learn to sink or swim. And guys and gals will start to learn to swim again. That's what's going to make the product feel more organic, more spontaneous and more real."

WWE Network:

WWE are offering fans a free preview of the Network tonight, no credit card details will be needed, further details are on .Com.

Roman Reigns talks future goals:

"I always watch, learn, see what works and then make it my own and make it better than anybody would ever imagine it would be. I want to raise the bar, to be the actual best performer, to be the best man possible, to be the biggest WWE superstar the world's ever seen. Those are my goals. I want to be the top guy, to run this company, to run the locker room and just make this product better in general."

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