Friday, July 4, 2014

Today's News

Jerry Lawler:

WWE camera's are following Jerry Lawler around this week, including recording his indy matches this weekend, one vs WWE Alum Scott Steiner. This is for a future DVD project.

Stephanie McMahon talks #HijackRaw incident / WWE's handling of...:

"A lot of companies would've thought that this was trouble and say, 'Oh my God, what do we do?' But for WWE, it wasn't even a question because our whole strategy is to engage our audience. We absolutely embraced this concept and had [wrestler] Daniel Bryan to talk about it during Raw. Because of that, #HijackRaw and #RawChicago were both world wide trends and trended seven times that night."

Six Sided Ring:

The reason for the return of the six sided ring to TNA is now known. TNA officials got word that GFW's owner and the man that invented the concept of the hexagonal ring, Jeff Jarrett was going to use the idea for his new promotion. TNA decided to beat their former owner to the punch and bring it back first.


Toby Keith IS involved in GFW. Reports stating otherwise recently have been challenged. It seems the musician wants to play down his role within the group, for reasons known only to him at this stage.

John Cena:

Bad news for Aussie fans. John Cena has withdrawn from this yearsa Antipodean tour due to his movie commitments.


TNA are using Sanada for free. Wrestle-1 are paying his wages while he is in the States, as they feel it will raise his profile in Japan and help them improve ticket sales when he comes back.


Cesaro needs to wear his eyepatch for several weeks after his eye injury.

New manager for Ziggler:

Summer Rae will act as Dolph Ziggler's manager going forward, a feud with Fandango and Layla is planned.


Here is a list of DVD releases set to come from WWE in the coming months...

* The Attitude Era Vol. 2

* WWE Around the World (unreleased international matches)

* Best PPV Matches 2014

* WrestleMania Main Events

* Best of World Class Championship Wrestling

* Nexus: Where Are They Now?

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