Sunday, July 13, 2014

Today's News

WrestleMania 17:

The host venue of arguably the best WrestleMania in History, the AstroDome in Houston, Texas has been scheduled for demolition. The venue was deemed unsuitable for use in 2009, and new plans for the site have the building removed with a green space and a AstroDome Hall Of Fame building in it's place.


TNA will host four try outs for British Bootcamp 2, London, Manchester, Glasgow, and a second date in a different Scottish city. Samoa Joe, Gail Kim and Al Snow will preside over the hopefuls and 8 - 12 will be selected for the show, which will run for 8 episodes.

Triple H defends failing character:

He said of Adam Rose...

"There's all these pieces to the puzzle. Your entrance. Your music. Your presentation. What you're wearing. All those things are components to making a star. If you're writing the movie, 'Rocky,' a big part of that movie is Apollo Creed coming to the ring dressed as Uncle Sam and throwing the money. It's part of the pageantry. You're writing a TV show and a movie, and that's how you create characters. In the past, we'd give a guy some music, and he goes to the ring. 'What are you going to do when you come out? I don't know. I'll wave to the crowd and go up in the corner and put my hands up.' That was just what you did. You just figure it out over time."

He also said the PC is working, and this is an example of that.

Daniel Bryan:

The blurb for Daniel Bryan's book has been released...

"YES! YES! YES! Daniel Bryan is the real deal. Everyone's favorite underdog, he's proven to the world and to all of WWE that looks can be deceiving. Just ask everyone who's ever underestimated him…right before he went out and whipped the WWE Universe into a frenzy. This is Bryan's behind-the-scenes story told for the first time ever — from his beginnings as a child wanting to wrestle to his ten years on the circuit before finally making it in WWE. When his "YES!" chant becomes a full-fledged movement, his career skyrockets. This book chronicles all the hard work, values, influences, unique life choices and more leading to his watershed week at WrestleMania 30. You won't want to miss it. Yes! We're sure about this."

WWE injury:

Ric Flair bust Bray Wyatt's head badly at last nights Madison Square Garden event.

Josh Matthews to TNA:

TNA have started following Josh Matthews, who recently left WWE on Twitter. He is likely to join TNA as he has a close relationship with TNA exec John Big Gaburick dating back to their Tough Enough days.

Russo vs Cornette:

A fast food chain has offered to host clear the air talks between two wrestling names. Vince Russo and Jim Cornette have had a storied rivalry, but during a Twitter conversation, in which Cornette asked Russo to reign his fans in, Russo made the offer to sort their feud out and move on, and that he was eating at Wendy's. The fast food chain then offered to host a bacon on a pole match to settle their differences.


John Cena granting another wish for the Make-A-Wish foundation.

CM Punk:

It seems WWE have decided not to extend CM Punk's contract to make up for the six months he has missed, it is felt it is not in the best interest of either side. Also CM Punk is now using his ring name for media appearances again, he stopped doing that after leaving WWE, choosing instead to use his real name, but as he is now a week away from being a WWE star no more, he is taking ownership of the name again, he does own the rights to it, so WWE can't stop him from doing so.

Tyler Breeze:

NXT star Tyler Breeze has now recovered from a broken finger.

UFC star to WWE:

Ronda Rousey will not be at SummerSlam. WWE wanted to get her involved at the show, but Dana White does not want his talent appearing at WWE shows. Also Rousey wanted her Four Horsewomen group to be at the show with her, WWE only wanted her.

McIntyre rubbishes rumours:

Drew McIntyre says his issues with Tiffany had nothing to do with his WWE release...

"There are always behind-the-scenes politics in any job. I pride myself on being a nice guy and hope the things that have been blown way out of proportion didn't hurt me and my career. A lot of what you hear and see on the internet is nonsense. A lot of people are really vocal about my talent – and that's what's most important."

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