Sunday, July 20, 2014

Today's News


Triple H and Stephanie McMahon's fitness DVD's will be released in time for Christmas.

Bo Dallas reveals his inspiration:

"Yes, Kurt Angle is the #1 when it comes to who is most similar to what I'm doing and that's who I've looked up to a lot, and learned many things from. Honestly the other WWE Superstar that I can say I've learned from was John Cena, taking his messages and taking them to the fullest with complete positivity. Never back down, never give up, and Bo-lieving in that and not straying from that and believing John Cena's messages to the fullest."

Arn Anderson interview:

On being a horseman...

"Being a Horseman isn't something you put on in the morning and take off at night. It's a state of mind. It's excelling to the best of your ability. It's four individuals thinking singularly, acting collectively."

On his career ending too soon...

"I would think for sure I would have had at least five more years. Without the last neck injury, even running on fumes for the first two, I could have gotten by. But who knows? Maybe 10 more years. Thirty-seven is not that old. The crazy thing is that I had those terrible neck injuries, and I wasn't one to come off the top (rope). I really feel for these guys today."

On Dolph Ziggler...

"Dolph has got to be one of the toughest men to put on a pair of boots. But he's going to be like Cactus Jack (Mick Foley) in another five years because that kid beats his body up more than anybody on the crew. I do know this. In my dealings with him, when I'm his producer, he gives everything he's got. He does some really phenomenal, athletic stuff."

WWE logo:

WWE have ordered new plates for all of their Title belts. They will alter the current designs to add the new WWE logo, when it launches in August.


WWE are asking their fans who Sting should face upon his WWE debut, and interestingly they do not include The Undertaker...

Current standings...

  1. Bray Wyatt - 31% 
  2. John Cena - 26%
  3. Triple H - 25%
  4. Kane - 10%
  5. Chris Jericho - 8%

Legends House 2:

The Million Dollar Man Ted DiBiase says he would consider doing Legends House 2...

"Yeah…maybe. Watching the show, I don't know if I want to put myself in that situation or not. I have watched some of the segments. I thought it was great. I thought it was funny…I knew the revelations, but it was great to see how they opened up."


WWE may ask Kenta to drop almost all of his 5 moves of doom, the Go To Sleep was used by CM Punk, and WWE do not want to draw attention to him, Daniel Bryan used his finisher and shining wizard / Knee kick, and the Tiger Suplex would be banned due to concussion worries and possible neck damage to his opponents.


John Cena vs Brock Lesnar will still likely happen at SummerSlam, even if Cena loses the title tonight.

WWE to drop angle:

The terrorist atrocity in Ukraine is having an affect on the WWE's anti USA angle, WWE officials may drop the story, and match between Jack Swagger and Rusev tonight in the wake of the downing of the civilian airline on the border with Russia. It is felt to have a pro Putin character right now would be insensitive to the many grieving the losses of friends and family in the tragedy. The decision will be made shortly before the event goes live.

It would not be the first time they had done this, in 2005 WWE dropped the Muhammad Hassan gimmick after the terrorist attacks in London.

Shannon Moore:

Shannon Moore says his upcoming 3 count reunion will be his last match.

Loss to UK wrestling journalism:

I was really saddened to have heard that PowerSlam Magazine issued their final installment this week. While the magazine did not directly inspire me to do these pages, it certainly had a part to play. The monthly mag was always thoroughly entertaining, interesting and opinionated, revealing the stories the promotions probably did not want you to know, long before the internet took over. I collected the mag for years before starting these pages, and only stopped for the same reason I do not like any wrestling fan pages on Facebook, I want the stuff I post to be stuff that I find myself, while researching the daily news, or find interesting / entertaining or weird or funny, and then share with the subscribers that follow my pages, who hopefully will also enjoy it. I like to find my own inspiration for the pages, it keeps me motivated to keep them up, and it would be lazy to look at other sites / fan pages or mags to get ideas IMO.

I now regret stopping getting the mag, and I will miss it, I remember almost coming to tears on the bus once when they broke the news of Crash Holly dying, I was with friends, it was almost awkward, and the interview with Matt Hardy after he was released by WWE during the Edge / Lita controversy, the yearly PowerSlam awards were always on point, and their support of indy and British wrestling, as well bringing awareness of names your armchair fan may never have come to know, I owe my love of Kenta to PowerSlam, their feature on him early in his career, a rave review I seem to  remember, made me look him up, and I was not disappointed.

Always opinionated, without ever pulling a punch, PowerSlam is going to leave a real hole in this wrestling fans life.

Thank you to all involved in your 20 year run.

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