Thursday, July 17, 2014

Today's News

WWE Mexico:

Cesaro and Rosa Mendes went to Mexico this week to announce that WWE were returning to the country in October for a number of live events, tickets go on sale later this week.

WWF / WCW personality reveals mental health issues:

Vince Russo says he has been battling depression since his youth, and continues to struggle to this day, writing on his website, he said...

''I also wanted to share something with you that I've been battling since my 20s, and I know that many of you do as well–depression. Depression has been a fixture in my life since I graduated college back in 1983. It seems like over night I went from "Roscoe", the beloved fraternity brother and Vice President of Sigma Tau Gamma, to marriage, a co-op, a job that I hated, bills, anxiety, and every other BAD thing that went with responsibility. At the beginning, I thought I was going to lose my wife–-I was afraid that Amy was going to think that I was losing my mind. I wouldn't go to a doctor, because I didn't want to go on meds–-I knew that would make it worse. This nightmare went on with me for four years until my son Will was born. At that time I had to wake myself the F up, because I knew another human being was now dependant on me. Unfortunately, even with the birth of Will–-the depression never went away. I can't remember one day where I actually woke up and felt "good"–I just didn't know what that felt like. I had two video stores go out of business when I was barely 30 thanks to Blockbuster. I became unemployed, I sold appliances to make ends meat. Then the big break with the WWE–-my problems were solved. That was until I found myself on the road every week, in a strange hotel room by myself, feeling totally alienated from my family, and the few friends I still had. You know the rest—WCW-–Bash at the Beach-–TNA—and the absolute scrutiny that goes with the professional wrestling business. As the years passed, the depression just always seemed to get worse, I never felt good, and just always had thoughts of dying. That is hard for me to type here–-but, it's the truth. Then, when I walked away from TNA nearly 2 1/2 years ago–-it just hit rock bottom for me. There was just no place left to go in a business that I had worked in for 20 years. I prayed every night that God just allow me to see the next day, and it was only through his grace that I did. As I sit here typing this right now, right this minute–-I'm in the same exact place."


TNA will tell their roster about the TV situation in August, at the next block of New York tapings. They have also announced Tajiri will work for them at the August shows in NYC, and possibly Bound For Glory as well.

CM Punk:

Despite being the second most popular page on their shop site, WWE removed all CM Punk related merchandise from sale today. Apart from a couple of things on the clear out section, they later re-added his profile in the Alumni section.

WWE Network:

WWE are offering 2,000 international fans the chance to view the WWE Network in it's entirety for two weeks, ending on August 4. This is a trial run before they roll the Network out gradually around the rest of the world during 2015. Only users of the Apple Android App are eligible for the trial.

Santino Marella:

Santino Marella will require fusion surgery at some point to correct the damage to his neck that has likely ended his career. In the mean time he is booking events for his gym and wrestling school in Canada, one featuring DH Smith, son of the British Bulldog.

Heat on The Rock:

San Francisco residents were not happy with a flying visit from the great one this week, he stopped off during promotion for Hercules to film some scenes for his next flick San Andreas, many streets were sealed off for a number of hours, causing lots of travel and transport issues for residents and businesses in the affected area.

The Rock has also had a spat with a presidential hopeful named Chris Christie. The US politician used the Rock's name in a political campaign video that spoofed a Rock movie, in the credits of the piece. Rock via his attorneys reacted angrily at this and had them re edit the VT removing his name and likeness.

Hulk Hogan:

Hulk Hogan will guest host the SummerSlam go home episode of Raw on August 11.

Kaitlyn interview:

On retiring...

"When I retired, it was a bit of a last-minute decision. I had been thinking about it for a while because there was a lot of things happening in my life and it was a transitional time for me. I had just gotten engaged, and I wanted to plan my wedding. I also had this project on the backburner, with this business site, that I wanted to wait to start until I retired from WWE. When I made the decision, rather quickly, to leave the WWE, I went full throttle into making my business work, while also planning a wedding. So it's been pretty hectic.''

On her wrestling future...

"I don't think I will ever wrestle again, but if I do, it would be for WWE. I just feel like that's my place. It's where I developed my wrestling abilities and character and that's where I would stay if I was to wrestle again. The good thing about when I left is that I left on very good terms with the WWE. It left the door open for me if I ever wanted to come back. It's not completely out of the question to ever return, whether it's for a short-term or longer. Maybe there will be a point down the line that I miss wrestling bad enough that I'll want to come back. As for now though, I'm just focusing on my company and my marriage and haven't gotten that itch to wrestle."

WWE 2K15:

Rob Van Dam and Xavier Woods have announced themselves as characters on the next WWE game.

WWE racism:

The Huffington Post are the latest media outlet to attack WWE for racism, asking why there has been so few black World Champions.


Sting has told TMZ that he has not yet signed for WWE, but wants to, and said ''It is now or never''.

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