Friday, July 18, 2014

Today's News

John Cena:

WWE have pulled John Cena from all live events, bar PPV for the next few weeks. He is in New York filming a movie.


Vince McMahon may be teasing that the deal is done, he posted a picture of Sting on Twitter, and asked ''Does art imitate life?''

Sting responded by saying he is ready if they are...

"I'll just say that I'm all in and very willing to participate. Believe me."

He went on to say he regrets not making the move to WWE sooner...

"Yeah, you know what they say about hindsight. I can look back now and wonder why I didn't do this earlier. But it is what it is, and I'm excited right now. It's like Vince used to say every time I came close to signing but never did: "Don't forget to cross your t's and dot your i's, and someday we'll do business together." And here we are. It's a video game, but that's for starters, and we'll see how it develops from here. I'm glad it turned out the way it did."

Jim Ross on joining TNA:

"It's not likely at all. I'm not looking at that direction but I don't think it's very smart to say I'll never do that. It would take an extraordinary deal because I don't know why I would be excited about replacing one of two guys that I like. You don't get that many friends in the wrestling business that stick with you through thick and thin. You get a lot fewer calls when you can't help somebody or can't do something for them. And I don't know if I would feel comfortable about of upsetting the team of Mike (Tenay) and Taz. As I sit here, I don't feel right about that."

WWE buy out on?:

Speculation is rising that WWE may be open to a buy out. Coming in the wake of an offer to buy Time Warner from 21st Century Fox, which also opens the door to a possible follow up move for the wrestling giant.

NXT taping notes:

3 episodes of NXT were taped last night, a Number 1 contender tournament for the Tag Titles, a Number 1 contender match for the NXT Women's title, and an NXT title match were taped. It was not a fun experience for one diva, Eva Marie was visibly upset by a really rough crowd reception she got during a match vs Bayley.

Bray Wyatt ended the show with an out of character promo, in which he thanked the Full Sail crowd for getting him to the main roster, and making him who he is.

New signing Kenta was also in attendance.

Roman Reigns talks maintaining the family tradition:

"I don't look at it as being tough. I take it as more of a responsibility. I feel like I've always been in that position in my family, to raise the bar, to keep our legacy strong. It's more of a challenge. It's not something that I let stress me out. I stay within myself and never forget where I came from."

The Miz:

The Miz is watching old tapes of the Jerry Lawler / Andy Kaufman feud for ideas for his new gimmick.

WWE backstage notes:

Brock Lesnar is scheduled to return on Raw next week, and WWE have dropped Alicia Fox's tantrum throwing gimmick, for the time being at least.

Jericho praises backstage legend:

He said of WWE music chief James A. Johnston...

"[Johnston] does a great job at what he does. He really finds the inner core, the inner seed of what the person's personality is, of what the character's personality is, and really latches on to that. It always amazes me to see what he comes up with for guys who have been around for years, for guys who are just starting..He's definitely an invaluable member of the WWE's team for sure."

Top 10 2014:

WWE have named the 10 best matches this year, so far...

#10 Bad News Barrett vs. Dolph Ziggler — (IC Title) (Raw – June 23)...

#9 Daniel Bryan vs. Triple H (WrestleMania 30)...

#8 Randy Orton vs. Daniel Bryan vs. John Cena vs. Cesaro vs. Sheamus vs. Christian (Elimination Chamber)...

#7 John Cena vs. Cesaro (Raw — Feb. 17)...

#6 Daniel Bryan vs. Bray Wyatt (Royal Rumble)...

#5 The Shield vs. Evolution (Payback)...

#4 Sami Zayn vs. Cesaro (NXT ArRIVAL)...

#3 Randy Orton vs. Batista vs. Daniel Bryan (WrestleMania 30)...

#2 Natalya vs. Charlotte (NXT Women's Title) (NXT Takeover)...

#1 The Shield vs. The Wyatt Family (Elimination Chamber)...


ROH officials have met with Marvel for a secret project they may be working on.

Mark Henry comments on WWE racism:

Mark Henry has added fuel to the fire of the race storm engulfing WWE this week, he says WWE wanted him to work as ''The Silverback'' (Named after a Gorilla), he responded...

"A lot of people remember the Silverback thing. Honestly, I could not do it. I told them: 'I can't do that. I got two little black kids at home.'"

Owen Hart:

Vince Russo and Steve Austin have remembered the night Owen died, from a behind the scenes perspective, Austin pulled no punches asking how Russo felt about the tragedy, as the stunt was his idea, Russo replied...

"I am a firm believer of things happen, man. We have our destiny. Our end date is written in a book, don't know why."

They went on to discuss the thinking behind the stunt, why Owen was picked to do it, and the moment the news was broken by Shane McMahon...

The people that were behind the technical aspect of Sting's WCW entrance wanted to show WWE what they could do, and Russo looked through the roster and decided it would be perfect for Owen, who had recently returned to his Blue Blazer gimmick...

"In my mind, I'm thinking of Owen, i'm thinking this would really be a spectacular entrance for Owen. This will be good for Owen. This will make Owen look great. It makes sense, because he's a superhero."

Russo said they were going to do it as a trial before the show, but it was never planned to happen during the PPV, and was never written into any script for the night. However he told Owen backstage that the stunt had been tried and tested and worked great, and asked if they could go with it. Owen agreed, and was not reluctant (According to Russo) so they did it.

He went on to talk about the accident, saying he can't explain why it went so wrong, and then emotionally remembered the moment they were told Owen was dead, Russo broke down when explaining Shane McMahon whispering in his ear that Hart didn't make it, and told Austin he remembered calling his wife and telling her he didn't want to be part of the business anymore.

CM Punk:

PWI are reporting that WWE and CM Punk did have a conversation before they removed him from their active roster, and he made a tweet saying goodbye. The content of the conversation was not made available, but it seems if WWE were trying to get him back before it was too late, the attempt failed.

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