Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Today's News

WWE heat with website:

WWE are upset that WWEDVDNews.com published the contents of the Sting DVD. The contents were leaked, spoiling a big plan WWE had for the unveiling of the collection.

Prince Devitt:

Prince Devitt started work at the PC yesterday.

New owners for TNA:

Jim Ross has suggested that Spike TV may be looking at buying TNA out, rather than give them a new TV deal, feeling it would be cheaper to own the brand and run the shows themselves than to allow TNA to continually hemorrhage money ($45 Million)...

From his weekly blog...

"Could Spike be thinking like TBS, Turner Broadcasting Systems, when Jim Crockett Promotions found themselves in financial trouble and TBS bought WCW and perhaps be looking to add a pro wrestling brand to their list of properties? Spike/Viacom recently bought out MMA company Bellator," he wrote. "Those would be two fresh, first run programs that appeal to a primary male demo and that seems to be the Spike profile or so it seems to me based on their current programming more often than not. Why would Spike want to get rid of one of the few shows on their network that garners over 1M viewers per week in prime time? That makes no sense to me but Spike negotiating to keep TNA at a lower dollar does."

TNA are telling their talent that they can expect ''good news'' at a talent meeting later this week, this could mean they know something we don't, or they will try to spin the jeopardy the TV deals are in, into a positive. However an exec from another potential home says losing Hulk Hogan has decreased TNA's value to Network's in America.

As well as this WWE are said to be looking at buying the TNA video library, should they fail to get a new TV deal, based on other recent deals, they would likely pay around $500 per hour of footage, TNA have over a thousand hours available. 

Drew McIntyre:

Drew McIntyre returned home to Scotland this weekend for shows with the promotion he debuted for.

ROH heat:

The ROH roster are not happy with Hunter Delirious Johnston , he has demanded that the roster do not talk to anyone from ROH Management but him, and he would be the go-between, however one talent said...

"Some of us are frustrated. Hunter is impossible to reach. We can't get him on the phone, he doesn't respond to emails. Now he's saying don't go to anyone else? Why can't we? What do we do? Stop talking to the company that I work for?"


Trent Barreta needs surgery after blowing his knee out at an indy show this weekend, and Alberto Del Rio needed 7 stitches after his match vs Justin Gabriel taped for Superstars.


Chris Jericho vs Bray Wyatt, and Brie Bella vs Stephanie McMahon are now confirmed for next months supershow. This means Stephanie will compete on one of the classic 5 / big 4 events for the first time in her career. Good luck matching what your brilliant Brother did at SummerSlam's past.

The official song is ''Sunshine'' by Teddybears.


Sheamus is still at home in Ireland, for anyone wondering why he was not at Raw.

Rowdy Roddy Piper:

Roddy Piper has revealed who he would wrestle for free...

"I guess if it's against Vince McMahon or Vince Russo I would wrestle again, those would be for free."

Russo vs Hart:

Smith Hart has accused Vince Russo of murdering his Brother and wants to fight him at a TNA show...

"Congratulations not only did u murder my brother but you've successfully killed 2 wrestling companies.I have a challenge for u, Maybe u'd like 2 try killing me on ur last failed broadcast I would donate my share 2 Owens foundation, #pleasenopolematches. Since I've ruffled a few feathers Ill make it clear Id like to challenge Russo to a fight at BFG with the proceeds going to Owens foundation. If nothing else good can come of the destruction of TNA, and the loss of jobs, perhaps raising money for a worthy cause would be."

Curtis Axel on Rock / Brock:

Curtis Axel has recalled training with The Rock and Brock Lesnar as they returned to the ring...

"I think that I gained some trust within the WWE organization, and they picked me because they had faith in me being safe, not injuring him and really making him step up his game to get his wind ready, and his body back in shape for all the strenuous activity he was about to endure at WrestleMania. So I think they just had trust in me, and I think that's what it boiled down to. Plus, we both come from a pedigree. Me and Rock have always had that bond, just because of the generational thing. So I think that had something to do with it. He trusted me, and WWE trusted me, so that's how all that came about. (It was) Nonstop. I mean, we would wrestle a half-hour without a break, just going back and forth and basically doing a whole match. There was a moment, and he might get mad at me for saying this, but there was a moment where we stopped for a second and he said to me, 'I'm going to beat your ass all the way to the corner, and then I'm going to take a step back. And when I come back to you, I want you to beat my ass all the way back to the other corner. And if it's not up to my standards, if it's not sufficient enough and I don't think you're aggressive, you know what's going to happen to you.'"

WWE cancel show:

WWE have cancelled the last live event before SummerSlam.

Batista interview:

On his best rib...

"I'm not the biggest ribber, so this is not so much of a rib but as you know, I made my WWE debut alongside Devon. I was a rookie and - I learned this the hard way - sometimes you should just keep your mouth shut. I made a bet with him when we were somewhere in New Mexico, because Devon was notoriously late, I told him that if he beat me to the show that I'd run around the building naked. Even though I hadn't really meant it, he picked up on it and ran with it. So he ended up winning the bet, of course, and I was going to keep to my word and run around the building naked. One of the WWE producers vetoed the idea but I was the rookie and obligated to suck it up. So I was at his mercy and the trade for the naked run was that I had to do 25 individual push-ups whenever and wherever he told me to. After each push up I had to scream out 'I'm Devon's b***h'. I did them - I think he let me out of about five of them because he eventually just felt so bad. But I did them in random places - it was on planes, it was in restaurants....."

On The streak ending...

''It sucked! Honestly, I thought it sucked. I haven't really talked much about it but I think it was a bad decision, a horrible decision. I don't have any say in the matter but to me, watching as a fan, it made me sick. Brock Lesnar beating him didn't seem to work and it really wasn't good that Brock left the day after. I just don't see how that made sense at all. I don't think anyone wanted to see the streak broken and it just didn't make sense to me.''

WWE cuts:

There is some strong speculation coming out of WWE that more cuts will be announced on Thursday or Friday of this week.


New NXT addition... Buddy Murphy.

Buddy may be best known for a leaked promo where he referenced the Benoit murders during a class at the PC last summer. He is from Australia.

Also Brie Bella has returned to the active roster.

Jesse Ventura wins big:

Jesse Ventura has been awarded $1.8 Million from the estate of a man who claimed he beat Ventura up during a bar fight, even though Mr Ventura was in a different part of the country at the time. The accuser later died, so Ventura sued his widow for damages instead.

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