Thursday, July 3, 2014

Today's News


WWE have changed their minds, and have reinstated Emma...

"Upon further evaluation, WWE has reinstated Tenille Dashwood (WWE Diva Emma) but will take appropriate punitive action for her violation of the law."

WWE were criticised by their own office for the knee jerk reaction, one telling TMZ...

"WWE officials quickly realized they overreacted, because their action would open the floodgates to fire a gaggle of wrestlers for fighting outside the ring, DUI and all sorts of other misdeeds."

There was also a fan backlash on social media, which may have had an impact on their decision.

Chris Jericho:

Y2J has withdrawn from the Japan tour, and will work MSG instead.

WWE HQ incident:

WWE HQ was the recipient of a suspicious package today, they called in local police to deal with the issue, and later released this statement...

''WWE received a suspicious package at its headquarters today and contacted local law enforcement to investigate. All WWE personnel are safe, and business is being conducted as usual."

WWE cuts:

Vince McMahon has demanded more cuts from WWE after they reported further financial losses.

CM Punk:

WWE demanded that CM Punk be removed, and no mention of him was made in the Money In The Bank ''By The Numbers'' VT.

The Shield:

WWE have a long term plan to reunite the Shield as a trio in late 2015, or early 2016.

WWE injuries:

WWE talent have been told to be more aggressive in the ring, this has now been blamed for the increase in injuries in recent weeks.

Roman Reigns:

A long term plan for Roman Reigns has been muted, and would see Brock Lesnar keep the WWE title much longer than first planned, right up to WrestleMania 31, where he would drop the title to Roman Reigns sealing his elevation to the top of the WWE babyface roster.

TNA confirm angle:

TNA have confirmed that MVP was set to go over at Slammiversary, and become the new TNA champion. His injury put paid to that.


WWE are interested in signing Rosita to a WWE deal.

WWE 2K15:

WWE briefly planned to have Daniel Bryan on the cover of 2K15, but feel Cena is better known, and more marketable.

TNA star wants away?:

Bully Ray said he would return to WWE "Quickly" should Vince McMahon pick up the phone to ask, during a radio interview this week.

TNA drop title:

TNA have retired the TV title.

Kevin Nash talks NWO vs DX:

"He was playing the blue blood, and then Triple H went away from that persona and kind of took over DX, and that's when Paul Levesque got to be himself. That's when I think he really took off because he's got an incredible sense of humor, a really fun loving guy. They kind of took our [nWo] formula. They [DX] were younger guys, and they made it a little hipper. Anytime WWE produces anything it's going to be produced better. The nWo was the Beatles. We were there first, but they [DX] were definitely fantastic."

Vince Russo talks backstage reaction to Montreal screwjob:

He first admitted it was his call to do the screwy finish...

On Taker's reaction...

"All of a sudden I'm watching, and I see that finish go down. Taker was going to kill somebody. If he had known, I would not be here today."

On Owen's reaction...

He says Owen called him and said...

''Vince, you have to talk to Bret. Bret says if I stay with the WWE, he's going to disown me as a brother…he (doesn't) want anything to do with me. Please, you've got to talk to him."

He also revealed the reason it was done was Vince McMahon did not want the then WWF title appearing on WCW TV, as they had done in the past.


TNA will launch a British only show for their UK and Ireland fans, they announced today.

WWE break through:

Renee Young has joined the WWE broadcast team full time, she will be the first female commentator to lead a WWE show as it's main voice, her duties begin with Superstars. Triple H talked of the promotion for the Canadian...

"It has nothing to do with her being a female or not, it has to do with her being the right person for the job. She's got a great voice that cuts through the clutter. She is very knowledgeable about WWE, about its history, about the talent and she is really willing to step up and do her homework."

NXT promotion:

Eden, wife of Cody Rhodes has joined the main WWE roster as an announcer, in the wake of Renee's move into commentary.


New profiles...

Cal Bishop.

Rich Brennan.

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