Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Today's News

TNA hacked:

TNA's social media was hacked yesterday. Fans clicking certain aspects of their site were taken to an explicit website.


Wade Barrett will present the winner of the Battle Royal with the Intercontinental title.

WWE injuries:

Bray Wyatt needed 7 stitches to close the cut caused by Ric Flair's errant fist, and his eye was closed up at Raw last night. WWE worked hard on trying to hide the injury for Raw, with make up and medical procedures, but it was still visible.

Seth Rollins injured his knee on Raw, and was helped back off camera, clearly in pain, and limping badly.

Dean Ambrose was bust open during a beat down, and bled from the mouth.


WWE confirmed Sting for the next WWE game last night on Raw. He has now seemingly agreed to a deal that covers more than just his likeness rights for the game, as WWE have also started selling merch on their shop site. Some fans were not happy that Sting did not appear in person, booing during the VT, which cost WWE $200,000 to produce. It is reported that WWE were holding the VT back until Sting signed a talent deal, but have not yet confirmed he has done so.

Title retired?:

There has been no official conformation, but WWE it seems have retired the World Title (AKA Big Gold). John Cena gave it to Ric Flair yesterday, and told him he could have it. He did not leave the building with it, giving it back to WWE officials, not Cena, as he returned to the back.

New job for old star:

Yoshi Tatsu is working with Alex ''The Pug'' Porteau at his wrestling school.

Miz gimmick thief?:

Miz is apparently using a gimmick already in use by NXT star Tyler Breeze. The ''Protect my face'' angle, may now mean a change in direction for Breeze.

Paul Heyman:

Paul Heyman has been separated from Cesaro, because Brock Lesnar is scheduled to come back next week to start his SummerSlam angles.

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