Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Today's News

Big Show:

Big Show returned at Raw this week, but was not used, he did work the post show match beating Kane.

Vince Russo talks career regrets:

"My wife raised my kids on her own without me being there—it's that simple. Rather than put my time and effort into the only thing that should have mattered to me—I was out chasing ratings that in the big scheme of things meant absolutely nothing. I put Vince McMahon and the WWE before my own family, and just writing that sickens me. I missed my son hitting his first home run—to this very day that still haunts me. And, for what, somebody who, went it came down to it, didn't give a s**t about me? He only cared when I was the cash cow delivering him numbers. For that, I gave up my family. That's just about as sad as it gets."

Former stars in movies:

Ariel of WWE will co-star with Danny Trejo in an upcoming movie she started working on the project today. Meanwhile Trish Stratus will star with Danny Glover in Gridlocked.

TNA star to WWE TV:

So Cal Val will appear at this weeks TV's as a rosebud.

Angle dropped:

WWE changed Main Event this week putting Rusev into a rematch with Jack Swagger, probably to end the controversial feud early.

SmackDown SPOILERS!!!:

* RybAxel vs The Uso's...

* Bo Dallas vs Dolph Ziggler...

* Cesaro vs Dean Ambrose...

* Naomi vs Paige...

* Bray Wyatt vs R-Truth...

* Alberto Del Rio vs Roman Reigns...



Vince McMahon met Kenta last night.

Hall Of Famer leaves WWE:

Jim Ross officially ends his 21 year WWE career tomorrow.

TNA setback:

The Manhattan center have raised their rental prices, possibly scuppering TNA's hopes of using it again in the future.

Jake The Snake Roberts:

Jake The Snake says he is now cancer free.

Reid Flair:

NWA Mid Atlantic have announced a $2,500 scholarship in Ric Flair's sons name for the best prospect at the next training camp they host.

Cena to Hollywood:

There is some strong speculation coming out of WWE that John Cena is looking at making the move away from WWE and into the movies, he is currently working on 2 movies, and some talent are joking that he will be taping his matches via satellite for the next couple of months. Cena is banged up, and may be preparing himself to bring his wrestling career to a close, and looking forward to his future away from the sport.

TV host blasts WWE:

I can't report the content of what was said, because the video will not play in the UK, but Jon Stewart, a TV host in the US has reportedly angrily responded to WWE's pro Russian promo at BattleGround on his show.

US Champ no shows:

Sheamus did not turn up for his advertised appearance at last night's TV's.

Team to split:

RybAxel are set to be broken up by WWE.

TNA signings:

TNA have re-signed Brooke, Sam Shaw and Sanada to new deals today.

Prince Devitt:

Prince Devitt has reportedly now signed his WWE deal.

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