Monday, July 14, 2014

Today's News

CM Punk:

As CM Punk enters his final 72 hours as a WWE superstar, he has revealed what he plans to do next...

"Starting a band, a podcast, and a fire. One of these is true. (Okay, two)."

Flair heat:

Ric Flair is likely in trouble with WWE officials. He bust Bray Wyatt's head open at a show at MSG this weekend, because he forgot to take off his Hall Of Fame ring and landed a hard shot above Bray's eye. Triple H, who was at ringside stepped in to stop the bout momentarily to allow Bray to be tended by the Referee.

Mick Foley defends Batista:


He was simply the wrong guy in the wrong place at the wrong time. Unfortunately for Dave Bautista (Batista), his return happened to be part of the perfect storm - the night WWE fans wanted Daniel Bryan - WWE Universe to walk out as the winner of the 2014 #RoyalRumble ...and would settle for nothing less. The initial reaction - the pop - was there when Dave made his Rumble entrance; the WWE Universe was excited to see him. They just didn't want anyone but Daniel Bryan to walk out of that match as the winner. Unfortunately, the fans directed their anger at Batista personally. And that's wrong. Shouldn't we be happy for Batista? He left his bread and butter - the WWE - to pursue the bold new dream of acting. Now he's landed a dream role, in a major motion picture - Marvel's #GuardiansOfTheGalaxy and, yet. no one seems very happy for him. Hey, I laughed too at #Bootista and #Bluetista. But Dave's a good guy, who worked hard to carve out a legacy inside WWE - and he deserved better than what he got. Just one guy's opinion. Feel free to share yours.''

Raw teaser:

* Who will join the Intercontinental Title Battle Royal?

* What plans will The Authority concoct now that vacation is over?

* Where does Summer Rae & Layla becoming friends leave Fandango?

* Is Bray Wyatt inside Chris Jericho's head?

* Can Roman Reigns coexist with John Cena this close to the Fatal 4 Way at Battleground?

Bret Hart interview:

On why he came back to WWE...

''I have way more great memories than I do bad. We had a great 14 years. We had that bad fall-out at the end, which I'm still sensitive about to this day. I suffered a stroke in 2002 that made everything else in my life that happened to that point pale in comparison. It was in the first few hours after I had a stroke that Vince [McMahon] gave me a call. Things were not good between us when that happened. He gave me a big pep talk in the hospital when I suffered my stroke. He talked about improving our relationship and doing things together down the road. I always wanted to be recognized and remembered for what I contributed to the company. He assured me that that would always be the case; to protect my reputation as far as what I accomplished there. Within the first few minutes we cleared so much off of the table. His words were that I was a fighter and that I would get back and get better. As I've got better over the years and recovered, I remember those dark hours and I'm grateful for that call. That softened things up for Vince and I and eventually I thumped him at Wrestlemania to write a better ending for us.''

On WrestleMania 12...

''I eager to raise the bar. I still think that for an hour match of any kind, no wrestlers have upstaged that match. Probably the hardest pro wrestling match any two wrestlers have ever had. Shawn was a great wrestler and a great athlete. That day when we had that match we were hell-bent on showing that you didn't have to be a 300-pound steroid freak to make wrestling popular again. I take a lot of pride in the direction that wrestling went.''

On forgiving Shawn Michaels...

''I found a great relief from forgiveness. Forgiving the whole thing and making peace with it and moving on. What a therapy for me, I felt a million pounds come off my back when that was over. I think Shawn Michaels was carrying a lot of grief and he felt really lousy for his role in everything. How he screwed me over and how he looked that day, it bothered Shawn for a long time. When we made that truce and hugged on Raw, I can see that grief that he carried for so long was all lifted. I realized a few months later what a good thing that was for us. I recommend that to anybody out there who has issues where they can't forgive someone, try to forgive; it's really good for your soul.''

On his career ending injury, suffered at the hands of Goldberg...

''A lot of people don't realize how severe a concussion injury is. You have to listen to the doctors. You have to be really careful about them. When I had my injury, so many of the wrestlers and people that I knew didn't believe I was hurt. I was pushed in the ring for so many weeks and when I finally saw a doctor he told me that my career was over. I had a pounding headache for almost two years, and a lot of side effects and ramifications that never leave. I still have balance issues from a kick to the head from one wrestler who didn't know his own strength. You can see now that there are a lot of steps being taken that a wrestler who has possibly suffered a concussion is being evaluated properly and you make sure he is safe before getting back in the ring. Back in my day you'd get a pat on the back and get pushed through the curtain. People in all sports are waking up to the fact that concussion injuries are really serious. The ramifications can be long-lasting and severe.''


Sting is not going to be at Raw ''live'' tonight, but WWE insiders are promising fans tuning in hoping to see the iconic star, they will not be disappointed.

WWE finances:

It is reported that WWE need to reach 1.3 - 1.4 Million Network subscribers per month to recover from their financial crisis, they are at 667,000 at last released figures, but have promised to hit a Million by years end. It should be said that the Network could be the making or breaking of WWE, if they hit 2 Million subscribers, they would be richer than at any point in their history, if not...

It's real to me... Dammit:

Seth Rollins really is taking the Money In The Bank briefcase with him every where he goes, a fan bumped into Seth coming home from an event this weekend, and took this picture...

Rapper returns:

Flo Rida is coming back to WWE, he will perform on Raw next week, no word if he will pick up his feud with Heath Slater as yet.

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