Thursday, July 31, 2014

Today's News

TNA troubles:

A top TNA official is looking at the door, Andrew Whittaker has contacted other groups such as Glory, sending out feelers hoping to get away. The promotion have also missed out on ROH stars ReDragon, the pairing have re-signed for ROH after a period of being chased by TNA.

Dixie Carter is not involved in the TV negotiations, she is allowing a talent company to act as an intermediary, and then reporting to the TNA office, who pass the information onto her parents, who are the money behind TNA. 

Hardy wants WWE return:

Jeff Hardy says he wants to end his career with the company that made him, WWE...

"From time to time I'll turn on Raw and I'd be lying if I said I didn't miss the WWE Universe man, because they, what a … the crowds. When I watch, it hurts a little bit. I'm going 'oh man, that's my creatures man, my fans'. They've supported me so much. And even on the Instagram posts that's all I ever see. 'Go back to WWE. You said you'd come back. It's never forever, it's just for now'. I mean, ultimately, when the time is right, who knows. But I started there and whether it's 10, 15 years down the road I would like to end there."

Hall Of Famer bites back:

Jesse Ventura has defended suing the widow of a man that made false accusations against him, he says he lost a $1,000,000 per year income stream because of the lies, and the man that made the claims 2013 death had no affect on his wanting justice, talking to CBS he said...

"I would have been a big-time loser had I not pursued the lawsuit, because ... the whole story was fabricated, (who also hinted at suing the book's publisher, Harper Collins). I was accused of treason, which in the military is the death penalty."

He also claimed that all of the money he was awarded would go on his lawyers fees.

Jesse is reportedly taking a hammering in the American media for suing not only a dead man, but an Seal, who had served his country, as well as having a young family, who would now have to pay close to $2 Million in damages, Ventura was unapologetic, claiming he was the victim here, and he wanted nothing more than to clear his name.

The cuts commence:

WWE have released Ricardo Rodriguez, Alberto Del Rio's personal announcer, Spanish announcer, and NXT star El Local. He says he misses wrestling and wants to get back to that.

Triple H:

WWE are advertising Triple H for Hell In A Cell in October, but Brock Lesnar will not be there.

US Title:

WWE are contemplating dropping the IC / US SummerSlam unification match and instead giving Rusev a US reign post SummerSlam to continue his anti American angle.

I can't do heel:

Xavier Woods has admitted to being worried about joining the new stable in WWE, as he cannot do heel promo's.

Paige ''Punks'' AJ:

Paige used CM Punk's mannerisms and GTS move in a match vs the Diva's champ at a live event over the weekend.

Flair pulled from SummerSlam match:

Ric Flair will likely be withdrawn from the guest ref spot at SummerSlam. WWE intended to use him in the Roman Reigns vs Randy Orton match, but his performances have been so poor during trials on the live circuit they are looking into other options.

Ambrose snubbed:

WWE officials made Dean Ambrose leave the ring to allow Big Show to celebrate alone after the Raw dark match this week.

Why do Spike want to cut TNA loose?:

There is said to be two reasons, they do not feel the product is cost efficient for the price they pay vs viewers tuning in, and they are furious about the blatant lie regarding Vince Russo's employment.

Sting to WWE:

WWE hope to have the deal done by SummerSlam, Sting will be at the event and has a planned meeting with Vince McMahon during the weekend, it will be the first time they have met in person.

TNA sign war hero:

Chris Melendez fought in Aghanistan for the Americans, and suffered devastating injuries from an IED attack...

"When I was able to open my eyes after the explosion I looked across the battlefield to see what I thought was a fellow-soldier in need of help. I quickly realized it was my leg."

...but returned home with the burning ambition to achieve a childhood dream and become a pro wrestler, TNA are now giving him that chance, he is a Dudley Boys school alumnus.

WWE Network:

WWE have announced they have 700,000 subscribers, only 33,000 up on the April figure, they wanted to hit a million. They did gain 161,000 but 128,000 left the channel. This has prompted the company to bring forward the international roll out, 170 nations will finally have the chance to join in on August 12. This is not for everyone though, some parts of Asia, Germany, Italy, and of course the UK will have to wait until October at the earliest.

It is going to cost the equivalent of $9.99 per month with the same 6 month time limit as in the States. However WWE are looking at adding advertising as a way to increase income.

They also announced a $14.5 million loss in the second quarter of 2014.

They did announce better news, they have landed a new TV and Network deal in Canada.

Goldberg vs Hall back on?:

Over the weekend I reported about Goldberg getting wrestlers at a fan event to sign a card for the 6th birthday of a youngster with brain cancer, everyone joined in willingly... that is except Scott Hall, who reportedly blanked all requests. This has angered many, especially as fans paid for his surgeries last year, and his refusal to give back has not gone down well. This was the same event that Goldberg and Scott Hall had their clear the air meeting, it is not clear if Goldberg, knew or knows about Hall's snub, but he was very touched by the young boys story and arranged the card and a video himself, and will not likely be happy if this is an accurate account of Hall's behaviour.

I can confirm that having seen the video of many stars signing the card and sending a message that Hall is not on it.

Russo - jumped or pushed?:

John Gaburick fired Vince Russo as TNA desperately tried to save their TV deals this week, not as Russo claims, he says he resigned. This from the wrestling observer... so...

Zema Ion:

Zema Ion has signed a new multi year deal with TNA.

Rampage Jackson:

Rampage Jackson says he has no plans to work with TNA again, he questioned the way they ran things, and said he could see the were not going to survive during his time there. He has been called a number of times but has refused all angles they offered him. He does want to continue wrestling, and is working with Chavo Guerrero to learn.

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