Monday, July 21, 2014

Today's News

Big Gold:

WWE are going to phase out the WWE World Heavyweight Championship, they wanted to drop it right away when the titles were unified, but kept it going as a last minute decision, the belt will now go as WWE look to it's future with a new logo coming post SummerSlam.



  • Adam Rose bt Fandango. 
  • Cameron bt Naomi. 
  • The Uso's bt The Wyatt Family. 
  • AJ Lee bt Paige. 
  • Rusev bt Jack Swagger. 
  • Seth Rollins bt Dean Ambrose. 
  • Chris Jericho bt Bray Wyatt. 
  • The Miz won the IC title Battle Royal. 
  • John Cena bt Randy Orton, Roman Reigns and Kane.


RVD no showed for the Battle Royal, WWE later said he was injured, Fandango was pulled to face Adam Rose, and Damien Sandow was re-added in his place.

Tatanka was backstage with his family. A number of NXT talent were also in attendance.


Former Kai En Tai member Funaki has returned to WWE as Kenta's translator. The Japanese star will likely keep his ring name.

Nikki Bella:

Nikki Bella has been using her new Estate Agent license to try to help fellow Diva Cameron buy a home.

Raw teaser:

* Dean Ambrose will no doubt be hungry for retribution against Seth Rollins

* How will The Miz commemorate his third Intercontinental Title reign?

* After a loss, is Bray Wyatt done preying on Chris Jericho?

* Will Jack Swagger & Zeb Colter unleash their counter-attack on Rusev & Lana?

* How will The Authority respond to John Cena retaining and what's next for Roman Reigns?

Brock Lesnar is also on his way to the event, John Cena is not, he is going to New York to film his movie.

Unified titles:

WWE may be building a feud between now and SummerSlam between Miz and Sheamus with the unification of the IC and US titles culminating the rivalry at the Staples Center.

The Dragon Ricky Steamboat:

Just 48 hours after the news of Ricky Steamboat's WWE departure broke, WWE have changed their minds. The Hall Of Famer has started calling to cancel his bookings, and is advising people that want him to attend their events, that they would need to ask WWE first.

Huge heat on WWE:

WWE decided not to drop the Rusev pro Russia angle for BattleGround last night, in fact they went with it hard, a graphic of Vladimir Putin on the tron was widely booed, but Lana went further seemingly referencing the recent terrorist attack in Ukraine during her pro Russia promo. WWE were slated on social media for going too far, many turned away from the event in protest, and a number of main stream media outlets have picked up on it.

WWE released this statement...

"Last night's segment during WWE's Battleground event was in no way referring to the Malaysia Airlines tragedy. The storyline with characters Rusev and Lana has been a part of WWE programming for more than 3 months. WWE apologizes to anyone who misunderstood last night's segment and was offended."

WWE 2K15:

This years SummerSlam WWE roster reveal panel has been named as Hulk Hogan, John Cena, Sheamus, Cesaro, Roman Reigns, DX, and Steve Austin.

WrestleMania 31:

Here is the first look at next years venue for WrestleMania... (Video in sidebar)...

The Rock:

The Rock is teasing an appearance in the DC movie Shazam.

Randy Orton:

Randy Orton was stopped by police today whilst driving. He says it was because his windows were too tinted.

WWE sign deal:

WWE have signed a 5 year TV deal in the Middle East and North Africa.


CM Punk preparing to host an awards show.

Kurt Angle to WWE:

Kurt Angle has confirmed he wants to come back to WWE, in conversation with Jim Ross he says he is not happy with the way he has been booked in TNA for the past year, says he is ready to return to the big time, and has unfinished business. He however says he cannot talk to WWE because of his TNA deal, and has no idea if WWE would like him back. Jim Ross asked him about his addictions, and if that could be an issue, he says no, he has been clean for a year, he also said he will have no bother getting through the physical.

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