Thursday, July 10, 2014

Today's News

Bret Hart remembers Owen's death:

"It was really difficult to get my head around [my brother's death], and it obviously had a very devastating affect on my whole family at home. My dad never was the same after that. But I also know that the reality of what happened with my brother Owen was that it was just an accident. And it took a whole to realize that, for me, but knowing that it was an accident I could live with it a little easier."

Daniel Bryan:

The former World Champion may need shoulder surgery as well as further neck surgery doctors have discovered. All plans for a WWE return have now been shelved as a result of this further setback.

WWE / Chono reach agreement:

Masahiro Chono's hard work has paid off, WWE have agreed to allow him to sell NWO replica shirts in Japan, as long as he also uses the WWE logo on the product.

Renee Young:

WWE have elevated Renee Young into the commentary position to try to disuage ESPN from chasing the Canadian announcer. She has been promised the chance to move through the shows, starting on Superstars and Main Event, then through SmackDown and eventually Raw and ultimately PPV events. This has convinced Renee that WWE is the place to be, she has apparently told friends that she is sticking around.

WWE stars hit by financial crisis:

WWE have slashed their royalty payments to their talent, for merch sales, game appearances, toys etc. Usually a talent would expect to get $70,000 for the 3 month period when the game comes out, no-one is expecting that this year, the first two quarters were drastically lessened. For the first three months of the year talent received $11,700, the last three months was significantly worse, even the top guys received just $1,555.

As well as this WWE are much stricter in their discipline, fining talent for breaches of the dress code is one thing, but they have started charging talent for arriving at arenas a single minute late. The WWE roster are said to be very unhappy about this, but with WWE cutting like Edward Scissorhands it is unlikely anyone will speak out.

Memphis Wrestling:

Jerry Lawler is taking personal responsibility for acquiring as much of the Memphis Wrestling library as possible, so he can sell it to WWE, he is asking vendors, or private collectors who have good quality episodes to contact him.

The Rock:

The Rock's Hall Of Fame induction may need to be delayed. His status for WrestleMania 31 is up in the air due to his commitments for the movie Fast 7, which is set to be released around the same time as Mania, and he will be travelling the world promoting the movie.

Austin criticised:

Steve Austin reportedly did not film his reality show at his ranch in Texas, but in Southern California.

Angle responds:

Rumours of WWE talent passing around pictures of Kurt Angle in a compromising situation were making the rounds online earlier this week, today Kurt responded with...

"I'm excited to say I'm coming up on My 1 year anniversary of being clean and sober. Im Very Humbled. GOD has truly Blessed Me. It's been a difficult but exciting road to living alcohol/drug free. Then some heartless individuals want to create rumors of Me "passed out" on a plane. Wow! I guess You can't take a nap on a plane when Youre a recovering addict. But it only makes Me want to stay clean even more!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"


It is rumoured that Sting's cryptic tweet is for an appearance on Raw next week to promote the Great American Bash DVD, it is thought to be highly unlikely that he will be on Raw just to sell a DVD, but anything can happen in WWE, so... wait and see...

NXT champions to Raw:

Adrian Neville and Charlotte will work Raw and SmackDown's events next week.

WWE Alumni:

The newest star given WWE Alumni status is former Intercontinental Champion Jeff Jarrett...Ain't he great!!!.

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