Friday, July 25, 2014

Today's News

One more match:

Hulk Hogan says he has a shortlist for opponents, should he have ''One more match'', they are...

  • Daniel Bryan.
  • Stone Cold Steve Austin.
  • John Cena.
  • Vince McMahon.

The Rock:

The Rock will make an announcement very soon as to which super hero he will play in an upcoming DC movie, he posted the options available to him, they are Superman, Shazam and Black Adam.


The British Bootcamp contenders have been named as...

  • The Owens Twins.
  • Kasey.
  • Leah.
  • Martin Stone.
  • RJ Sings.
  • Mark Andrews.

Stone is likely the best known of these names, he was a WWE NXT star until recently, then known as Danny Burch.

Design some tights:

Zack Ryder is offering the chance to design a pair of tights for him to wear on WWE TV, to enter go to


Here is the trailer for See No Evil 2 starring Kane.

Sting gives up on dream match?:

Sting says he is really disappointed not to get a shot at The Undertaker's streak, and now names Randy Orton, John Cena, Triple H and The Rock as people he would like to face at next years WrestleMania.


Adam Rose is hinting he will be on this years game, and says he will have a part to play at SummerSlam.

Batista defends WWE:

Batista has defended WWE from heat for putting a part timer in the title match at SummerSlam (Brock Lesnar), he said if they did not do something after Lesnar beat the streak, "they're idiots."

He also said he that CM Punk would be back...

"I think eventually he'll come back. I think he belongs there. I think the fans really love him and miss him. I think he loves it and misses it just as much. I'm really not sure why he left. He'll be back, I would think that he would be back. I think it would be kind of crazy if he didn't go back."

CM Punk:

CM Punk is at the Comic Con working for the online show Nerdist.

John Cena:

He may just be playing, but John Cena today tweeted that he is interested in going heel...

"Ok interweb, have fun with this one..#lifewouldbebetterif I turned heel. @twitter feed crash in 3....2....."

AJ Styles:

AJ Styles has revealed how much he turned down to stay with TNA, $200,000. This was just over half of his previous salary.

Mick Foley:

Mick Foley has blogged on the ruination of Zack Ryder at the hands of WWE...

''The story of Zack Ryder is a sad one. It's a sad story because I've seen so much great, hard-working talent recently on the independent scene, and know how difficult it is for them to even get a shot at the big time, let alone get over...really over. Zack Ryder was over...and now he's not. It's a sad story because he found a new and unique way to make himself a valuable commodity in WWE - and now his value is gone. It's a sad story because in November of 2011, after a heavily promoted "once in a lifetime" teaming up of John Cena and Dwayne The Rock Johnson, Madison Square Garden, the most famous arena in the world erupted in "We want Ryder" chants - and now those chants are gone. It's a sad story because I refereed several of his main event matches in Europe in that fall of 2011, and saw the joy with which he was received by the fans in that main event role - a role he is unlikely to ever know again. It's a sad story because fans bought his merchandise, they watched his show on You Tube, they liked him on Facebook (almost 1.5 million) they followed him on Twitter (over 1.5 million) and he made people smile - and now those smiles are gone. It's a sad story because eventually people get tired of finding out that the WWE Superstars they have supported with their cheers, their purchases, their signs, their follows and their likes aren't real Superstars - and little by little, those fans lose interest in WWE, find other interests, and become former WWE fans. It's a sad story because the next time WWE talent is given the speech about reaching for the brass ring, at the very least, in the back of their minds, they should be thinking about the guy who reached out and grabbed that brass ring - and was asked to return it. Maybe his surprise victory on RAW will be the start of something new. Maybe. I remember standing in the ring with Zack and CMPunk at Nassau Coliseum and gladly handing over my claim to being Long Island's most popular wrestler to Zack, Take a good look at that photo. Really look at it. Look at me, still important enough in the company's eyes to be part of an in-ring celebration. Look at Punk, breaking character, and willingly looking foolish, because it was a fun thing to do, and Zack Ryder's character made having fun, and wearing a ridiculous wig seem like the right thing to do. Look at the joy on Zack's face. That type of joy was infectuous. It's the type of joy we're not likely to see again. That photo is less than three years old...but it seems like such a long, long time ago. That's sad.''

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