Saturday, July 5, 2014

Today's News

Ronda Rousey talks WWE future:

"It's so similar to planning out fight scenes. I was just kind of messing around and thinking about cool moves to do in fight scenes. I really think of WWE like the purest form of stunts, kind of like in movies they say the purest form of acting is theater because it's live and all in one shot. I feel like WWE is the same for stunt work. I just kind of try to borrow from them a little bit and maybe I can steal some of their stunt work, throw it in a movie. If an opportunity comes up to show up and be a guest host or whatever, that would be pretty cool."

TNA great retiring:

Petey Williams says he will work his last match this weekend. His final opponent will be Chris Sabin.

Bully Ray:

Bully Ray was heavily involved in the booking of the TNA Impact shows in New York, personal credit goes to him for the Dudley's vs Hardy's match and Dixie's table bump.

My favourite foe:

WWE stars have named their favourite person to work against...

* Daniel Bryan's favorite is Sheamus...

* Bad News Barrett's favorite opponents are Kofi Kingston and Sheamus...

* Sheamus' favorite opponent is Bad News Barrett...

* Kofi Kingston's favorite opponent is Dolph Ziggler...

* Dolph Ziggler's favorite opponent is Alberto Del Rio...

* Jack Swagger's favorite opponent is Alberto Del Rio...

* Seth Rollins' favorite opponent is Daniel Bryan...

* Rob Van Dam's favorite opponents are Sabu and Jerry Lynn...

* Goldust's favorite opponent is Randy Orton...

* John Cena's favorite opponent is The Rock...


Hulk Hogan has teased a special Hulkster edition of this years WWE game.

Michael Cole and Jerry Lawler are in the studio today recording their commentary tracks.

Scott Steiner talks career regret:

"I wrestled everyone. The first time I went to the WWE back in 2003 I wanted to go against The Rock. That never happened. He is one of the top guys of all time. The box office shows that. He was one of the most talented wrestlers there is. That's the one guy I wanted to start off with. Vince brought all of the WCW guys up but basically Vince basically treated us like s--t…treated us all the same. But they destroyed everything... me Goldberg, Nash were all treated the same way."

WWE top 10:

Shock returns.

Bo Dallas:

WWE are concerned that fans are not buying into Bo as a heel, this is why they put him with Daniel Bryan in the MITB pre show.

Adam Rose:

Rose is doomed. WWE exec's Vince McMahon and Kevin Dunn were talked into giving him a PPV match to show he was good, but the bad reaction he got from fans has convinced senior officials that his gimmick does not work and he is set to be buried.


Brie Bella vs Stephanie McMahon will be for Brie's WWE job, if she wins, she will be back on the WWE roster.

Royal Rumble 2015 plans leaked:

Very early plans for next years Royal Rumble have the former members of The Shield making it to the last three and Roman Reigns winning the title shot.

There is still a long way to go until the Rumble, so this is likely a very loose plan at this stage.

Kevin Nash talks his damaged body:

"My wife, my son and I went on a European vacation. Three or four days walking around London. Three or four days walking around Paris. Three or four days walking around Munich. My knees were so swollen. My ankle has been operated on. It's got a plate, screws in it. My body just couldn't take walking eight to 10 miles a day. What are you gonna do? Now that you've got the time and you've got the funds to see the world with your family, you don't have a body that can participate in anything. Finally, I just had to tap out. I said, 'I'm going to that little garden over there to sit down in the shade. I'm done.' They came back and got me 2 1/2 hours later, and I was sitting down. I got a chance to see all those places before, so I was a good tour guide, but I was just physically uncapable of putting that much mileage on my knees. I just went up to a wedding in Minnesota and just the travel -- two hours in a car, four hours in a plane. The lodge we were staying at, when we got there after all that travel, I felt like somebody beat me with an aluminum baseball bat. In the plane, the seats are right against my knees. I can't move. I'm sitting there at a 90-degree angle, jammed in my seat. It's miserable...Oh well."

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