Friday, May 31, 2013

Today's News


Adam Cole has re-signed with Ring Of Honor.

Evan Bourne:

Evan Bourne has tweeted he is healthy and ready to return to action.

CM Punk vs Fans:

CM Punk has responded to criticism from fans who say He is not good to meet, and that He has a bad attitude...

"You can't get mad when I blow you off after you poke me in the back or pull on my shirt to get my attention. Respect is a two way street. Use manners and treat me respectfully and I will reciprocate and sign/take pictures.If you're rude, buzz off.I am not a zoo animal. #respect"


The former Johnny Curtis has discussed his career in WWE so far...

On his pre Fandango gimmick...

"I wasn't really exactly sure where they were going with those vignettes. I was willing to do anything to get on TV. Obviously, I wouldn't disagree or argue with any verbiage they're going to give me for talking. Wasn't exactly sure where that was going to go. I don't if necessarily that was the way they wanted the vignettes to go. Obviously, they scratched it, and then I went back on the shelf for a little while [until] the Fandango thing."

On the creation of Fandango...

"Initially, Vince [McMahon] had an idea of a male stripper. We kind of did that in a few dark matches as simply Johnny Curtis. It was like a Dirty Dancing, kind of Swayze deal. I think they saw it and realized real quick that it's a little risky. It was Fandango a little more sexy, a little not quite PG. Vince had an idea to do the ballroom thing, and I embraced it, man. Thing is, if you can play a hard character, a real complicated character like this or the Undertaker — anything that's really far out there — I think you can make money with it if you really embrace it, you know what I'm saying? If you just go into it not really into it, people are going to see right through it and see just a guy playing a character [and] not really into it. I'm like, 'This is an opportunity I've been waiting for for 13, 14 years. I either gotta really embrace this thing or just go back to working for EWA in Maine making 50 bucks a night.'"

On the fans taking to his theme song...

"I almost started smiling when they were doing it just because that Monday Night Raw was unbelievable. For me being a wrestling fan, that was one of those crowds that kind of reminds me of the old ECW [Extreme Championship Wrestling] arena where the fans became part of the show. Anyone that got to go out there that Monday night after 'Mania got to enjoy that crowd. First thought in my head was, 'Oh, can we make some money off of this?' That's all I thought about honestly. We did the Europe tour right after that. The Raw after 'Mania we went to Europe for two weeks on tour, and just the crowd reaction over there was unbelievable, so maybe I'm like the new Hasselhoff where I'm just big over in Europe. [Laughs]"

Diva ready to return:

Rosa Mendes is set to return to the road, after her suspension from WWE for bad behaviour during the European tour.

TNA's ''Big signing'':

TNA's big Summer signing is expected to debut next week on Impact.

Matt Hardy:

Matt Hardy has made a creative YouTube video, in response to fans who disrespect him...

Bret Hart apology:

Bret Hart has responded to heat for his joke to Pat Patterson (See Tuesday's post)...

"I sincerely apologize to anyone that was in any way offended by my in-ring joke to Pat Patterson on Monday, especially to Pat, whom I hold in the highest regard. I was only trying to take some of the edge off an emotionally challenging moment and I failed. The comment does not in any way reflect my feelings toward the gay and lesbian community. B"

Bully Ray:

Bully Ray has put TNA over whilst promoting Slammiversary...

"We have some of the greatest veterans of pro wrestling and some of the greatest modern-day wrestlers," said Bully. "There's great in-ring action, great talkers, great brawlers and hot girls. Anything that you want in pro wrestling, you can find in TNA."

Sting talks walking away:

"There is a large wrestling audience that doesn't want to say goodbye to my generation — guys like myself and Hogan — and still appreciates us," Sting said. "It's the same for me. It's hard to walk away. I want to give Boston something to remember."

Jim Ross promotes UK speaking tour:

"I will take the live audience on a journey that starts when I became a wrestling fan growing up as an only child in Westville, Oklahoma through the early days of my career in the territories, the corporate years in the wrestling business, overcoming a few hurdles along the way and up until the present day. These events will also feature a healthy, Q&A session and will conclude with a VIP, personal meet and greet, photo and autograph session. If our concept works in the UK we hope to schedule more dates there and there's been talk of doing a tour in Australia, where I've never traveled, and in North America as well. Time will tell but It's something that has me excited as I feel the presentation has potential. "

Maria lands another movie:

The same day Maria Kanellis wrapped her role on Army Of The Dead, She has landed another role in the 2014 movie ''A Bet's A Bet''.

Dolph Ziggler:

The World Champion will be working this weekend's lives, despite not been cleared by Doc's, he probably won't be wrestling.

Vince McMahon vs Smokers:

He tweeted...

''To smoke a cigarette, you have to SUCK''

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