Sunday, May 12, 2013

Today's News

James Storm:

Injury update on the TNA man, he has torn abs and ligament damage.

Michael Cole / JBL:

Michael Cole has announced he will join his broadcast partner JBL on his next mountain climbing challenge.

They will attempt to conquer Mt. Whitney in the States, in August of this year.

WWE lawsuit:

WWE are demanding that the lawsuit Andrew Green has filed against them be held in a federal court.

Kenta Kobashi:

John Laurinaitis represented WWE at the retirement show for Japanese legend Kenta Kobashi this weekend.

Dixie Carter talks meeting Stephanie McMahon:

She says they met for the first time at the Funeral of Ric Flair's Son Reid...

"It was actually a very sad meeting. We met at the church at Ric Flair's son's funeral. She and Hunter were there, and the three of us had never met before. I was there with Sting and we were just kind of put in this back room waiting for each other. It was a very interesting meeting. They're lovely people; I just wished them luck personally. They had a big weekend with WrestleMania coming up, and I did so publicly. Look, I have a different philosophy than maybe other people do. I think competition is healthy; I think to not want to have competition is absolutely ludicrous. I think it's better for the fans, it's better for the product and it makes us all work harder. And if we want to grow wrestling to be as big as it can be globally, I think that's important. So, she did respond. I think there were a lot of tweets between the fans, but she did respond in a very kind manner."

New WWE signing?:

Rumours are swirling that WWE have signed a strong man competitor named Adam Scherr.

Jay Briscoe:

Ring Of Honor followed through and made Jay Briscoe apologize for his homophobic tweets earlier this week (Video)...

Jack Swagger heat:

Jack Swagger was given a rough ride this weekend with fans chanting ''You hurt Ziggler'' during his matches.

Foley vs Foley vs Foley:

Who would win if Foley's alter Ego's could go against each other?...

Well in the opinion of the man himself, Dude Love. He says the Dude would chill out and let the other two destroy each other then swoop in for the easy win.

The Bella's:

Brie and Nikki have announced that they have scored their first ever movie role, details are to be released.

The Rock's family hint he may be done with wrestling:

Talking about his recent injury...

''My family has a long history with this type of surgery. They've all had their surgeries done at the Shouldice Hospital in Toronto which pioneered this surgery in 1945. Basically it requires local anesthetic (they don't knock you out) because hernias mostly affect older people and the risks associated with general anesthetic go up as you get older. They cut through the muscle, then insert a piece of stainless steel (the human body does not reject stainless steel) mesh. The muscle is sewn to the mesh and then gradually heals. Now, here is the kicker. It's a great surgery that is easy to recover from and will make sure that the hernia doesn't occur in that spot again. BUT, the surgery weakens the muscles around the affected area and makes it much more likely to reoccur near the original spot due to the stressed muscle that is being pulled and stressed to attach to that piece of mesh. This is relevant to Rock's wrestling future. Despite what Vince wants, Hollywood won't let him wrestle again knowing that his chances of getting hurt are increased. Insurers won't insure a star who is undertaking 'unnecessary risks'. Hernia's are a slippery slope. I'd like to see him back, but if he's serious about making movies (and given his success he should be) I think he's done with wrestling."

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