Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Today's News

Carlito vs The Shield:

Ex WWE star Carlito has taken a shot at The members of The Shield on his Twitter...

"Just watched RAW, two members of the group need to stop believing in THE SHIELD & start believing in THE GYM!"

He also tweeted that he was a big fan of the third member.

He then attacked the internet dirt sheets, for reading too much into his tweets...

"Dirt sheets, stop trying to start sh*#% with my tweets! These just f'n jokes! Leave me in the land of irrelevance where Im happy! Thank you"

Carlito, old bud, if you don't want people to report what you tweet... Don't tweet it...!!!

WWE releases:

John Gaburick, a longtime WWE producer, employed since the 90's, and the man behind the original Tough Enough show will be leaving WWE soon, Stephanie McMahon has also fired Adam Rudman from the Creative Department. The HHH - Steph era takes another step towards it's beginning.


Hall Of Famer Sunny has been through a rough few months, She has today revealed, upon her release from a 4 month prison sentence, that She developed Cervical Cancer whilst in jail and has had to undergo an hysterectomy, ending her hopes of becoming a Mother naturally.

She has also written her autobiography, and has decided to move to New Mexico for a fresh start away from the wrestling world.

SmackDown SPOILERS!!!:

* Miz TV (With Fandango, Wade and of course Miz, looks like a 3 way IC feud is going to start between them).

* Wade Barrett vs Miz (IC Title).

* Daniel Bryan vs Jack Swagger.

* Damien Sandow and Sheamus promo, with Matt Striker (Looks like a feud is starting here).

* Big Show vs Chris Jericho.

* Curtis Axel vs Sin Cara.

* Dean Ambrose vs Kofi Kingston (US Title).


After constant interference from the other Shield boys, the match was made into a 6 man tag...

* Kofi Kingston, Randy Orton & Sheamus vs The Shield.


Roman Reigns injured his ankle in this match and had to be helped to the back by the Refs during the bout.

John Cena:

Is still wrestling, live and this weeks post Raw dark match, and will be on Raw next week.

WWE Diva's health issues:

Cameron has been to the doctors 4 times this week with an illness She says doctors are struggling to identify.


Jim Ross has been asked to work with the NFL to recruit current American Football stars to the WWE roster.

He says he will not guarantee stars that show interest in making the switch will be guaranteed a job, but all will be given a tryout to assess their potential for an in ring career.

WWE job:

WWE want a new play by play man for Main Event, only former stars need apply.

Randy Orton:

Orton will not be using the Punt Kick again, he was allowed too for a one shot deal in front of his home town crowd at last Sunday's PPV, but WWE have told him that is it.

SummerSlam match leaked:

Randy Orton vs Sheamus is penciled in as one of the top matches for this years SummerSlam, meaning Orton's long awaited heel turn is getting closer.

Who will face Brock at WrestleMania 30?:

WWE still hope for a Brock vs Rock match, but are also going to start writing a feud for The Undertaker vs Brock, if The Rock decides that he is not coming back. That decision will be made at the end of the summer / early in the fall at the latest.

Legend dies:

British Wrestling icon Mick McManus has sadly died today, aged 93... RIP.

I will add his profile to R.I.P Dead Wrestlers as soon as I can.

Hardcore Holly on WWE vs TNA:

You would think he was trying to get a job with one of these companies... 

On WWE...

"I try to watch it, but sometimes I can't because it annoys me. There's a lot of good stuff though. I'm a huge fan of Fandango and I think Dolph Ziggler is the best right now. I would love to see Ziggler and Shawn Michaels at WrestleMania. I don't usually buy PPV events, but I would buy that one for sure."

On TNA...

"I enjoy watching TNA and they've got great talent across the board, especially Austin Aries, Bobby Roode, James Storm and AJ Styles. Although, I don't know what the deal with AJ is — they seem to start and stop with him. I was really impressed when I met Magnus, he's got a good mind for wrestling and I think he's going to have a great future in the business."

TNA star in movie:

Hernandez will star in horror movie ''Slash'', meaning he will be off TV for the next few weeks.

The Rock:

The Rock says he will be flying to Hungary to film Hercules in two weeks, meaning he must have been cleared to fly by his doctors.

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