Monday, May 13, 2013

Today's News

NXT star suffers serious injury:

J Bronson has revealed why he has not been on TV for months, he suffered a severe spinal injury in October and has not been able to walk properly since, he credits and thanks WWE Doctor Joseph Maroon for saving his health, but says he is a long way away from returning to the ring any time soon.

TNA UK tour dates 2014:

Tickets start at £22.50

Thursday 30 January 2014
Glasgow Hydro
0844 811 0051

Friday 31 January 2014
Manchester Arena
0844 847 8000

Saturday 01 February 2014
London Wembley Arena
0844 815 0815

Sunday 02 February 2014
Birmingham NIA
0844 338 8000

Rivalries DVD:

Renee Young has been given the job of hosting the upcoming Top 25 WWE Rivalries DVD.

Raw tease:

For tonight's show...

* What will unfold when Triple H and Lesnar come face to face?

* Can Fandango find a way to out-dance Jericho?

* Who will Ryback target next?

* Will Kaitlyn's secret admirer reveal himself?

* What is the status of the injured World Heavyweight Champion?

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