Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Today's News

Foley talks Curtis Axel:

Hall Of Famer Mick Foley has accused Triple H of making Joe Hennig look weak on his debut under his new name, by slapping him in the face, however he feels the former Michael McGillicutty will have a big future with Paul Heyman at his side...

"For people who ask me if I think this guy has a chance. Not only is he talented and waited his turn and lived through the Michael McGillicutty indignity. I asked him about that and obviously he didn't want to say anything bad about the company, but he said ,'It hurt a little, it stung when you get your name and it's Michael McGillicutty. Short term you can say, 'well why didn't he beat Triple H?' But like I said, me being on the outside looking in, depending how this thing plays out, never underestimate the verbal skills of Paul Heyman or the skills of Michael McGillicutty. As a fan it has me hooked. Even if you're not saying Curtis Axel right now, I believe that Paul is the master. I call him the master gardener. He knows how much water and sunshine to give his project and then they have to grow on their own."

Bobby Eaton:

Has been re-hospitalized with further heart problems, he will not be allowed out until his heart rate is under control, and is functioning at a more normal pace.

Dolph Ziggler:

WWE have updated Dolph Ziggler's status. He may return next week, but it is highly unlikely that he will wrestle, as Doctors have not yet cleared him, he may come back to cut a promo.

SmackDown SPOILERS!!!:

* Kane vs Seth Rollins

* Daniel Bryan vs Roman Reigns

* Kofi Kingston vs Ryback

* Alberto Del Rio vs Big E. Langston

* Curtis Axel vs Sin Cara

Note, Curtis is now using his late Father's finish the Perfect Plex as his finisher.

* Chris Jericho vs Cody Rhodes

* Dean Ambrose vs Randy Orton

WWE Alum at TV's:

Lance Storm brought his wrestling students to this weeks WWE TV Taping's.

Performance Center:

WWE's Performance center's opening date has been pushed back a week, to July 8.

Bully Ray vs the Radio Host:

Bully Ray, the current TNA Champion is currently busy doing the media rounds promoting Slammiversary, but one interviewer seems to have angered the big man...

He said before the interviewer had asked a single question...

"Honestly, [I'm] instantly offended that you... like for real, in real life, right now immediately offended that you would call me a mediocre athlete," Bully said. "You really should take it back if you want the interview to continue. I will walk out this door if you're going to start off this interview questioning my athletic ability. After all of my success, you're going to question my athletic ability? There's not a damn thing in the wrestling ring I can't do, and I bet you there's not one thing that you can do."

Bully was responding to the producer of the show, Jimmy Stewart (Who is a Jeff Hardy fan) saying to him before the show that Hardy was a phenomenal athlete, but Bully was mediocre, and that the wrong guy was walking around with the belt.

WWE visit Bedrock:

WWE already have a Scooby Doo movie coming out, they have now signed on to make a Flintstones animated movie, John Cena, CM Punk and Vince McMahon will be some of the stars visiting the prehistoric family.

Their characters will be called...

Vince McMagma, CM Punkrock and John Cenastone.

WWE star benched:

Kofi Kingston will undergo surgery on his elbow, benching him for up to 8 weeks later this week. WWE say Ryback did the damage on this weeks SmackDown, but he has been suffering for a long time with the problem and WWE have decided to write him out not now, so he can be 100% when he comes back for his Summer heel turn, and top level feuds that follow.

Kurt Angle talks WWE return:

"Since these guys wrestle part-time, obviously it's appealing. But that's what I do in Impact Wrestling now," said Angle, who said that his current schedule is 65 % lighter than at its peak. "My loyalty is with Impact Wrestling right now. I can't think about it yet until my contract is up. But is there a possibility [that I'll return to WWE]? You can't throw anything off the table."

JBL offends mayor:

JBL made a joke about partying with Toronto's Mayor Rob Ford, saying if he did he would have been indicted. This is in response to an alleged video of the Mayor smoking crack, He says the video does not exist, despite media sources claiming to have copies of the tape. He is therefore unhappy that WWE have made light of what is a very difficult situation for him.


Wrestling has been added to a shortlist of 5 sports for entry into the 2020 Olympic Games, it was dropped from the next games in 2016 in February. The decision of the winner will be made in September.

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