Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Today's News

Dory Funk defends booking:

Dory Funk has assured wrestling insiders that Jerry Lawler has had all the medical checks he needs and has been cleared to return to the ring for his first match since his near fatal heart attack on May 25.

Rock vs Obama:

In a recent poll in the US The Rock has been voted as the 54th most trustworthy American, ahead of the leader of the nation Barack Obama.

WWE signing:

Tazz trainee Smith James has signed an NXT deal, he will fulfill his Indy commitments for the next two months, before heading to Florida.

YouTube price revealed:

WWE are expected to charge between $2 and $5 for their YouTube content, related to this TNA are also expected to start to charge for their online programming via the site.

WWE TV issues:

This weeks Raw drew the lowest viewing figures of 2013 so far, and last night's SmackDown taping was very poorly attended, fans posted pictures from the show showing a vast section of the stadium empty and blacked out in an attempt to disguise those empty seats.

SmackDown SPOILERS!!!:

* Highlight Reel - Chris Jericho interviews Ryback.

* Teddy Long interrupts and makes a match between the two men for later in the show.

* Ryback sucker punches Jericho before leaving the ring.

* Cody Rhodes vs Kofi Kingston

* Brock Lesnar VT

* Jack Swagger / Zeb Colter Promo

* Big E. Langston vs Jack Swagger (Alberto Del Rio on Comms).

* Daniel Bryan vs Dean Ambrose

* Mark Henry VT

* Randy Orton Promo

* Big Show vs Tensai

* Mark Henry Promo

* Chris Jericho vs Ryback


3 Ring Of Honor stars are interesting WWE, with moves expected soon for Mike Bennett, Jay Brisco, and Mark Brisco.

However ROH say they expect the talent to stick around with them for quite some time.

Sin Cara:

Sin Cara was backstage at SmackDown last night for a meeting with WWE Doctors, he has now been cleared by the Medical team and will be back on TV next week.

New DVD:

WWE have released the blurb for a new Madison Square Garden DVD...

"For nearly 50 years, Madison Square Garden has been the home of WWE. From sell out crowds cheering on Bruno Sammartino's incredible championship run to the birth of Hulkamania, the inaugural WrestleMania, a stunner heard round the world and several legendary moments in between, WWE presents the moments that have helped legitimize the moniker World's Most Famous Arena.

This collection showcases over 20 of the greatest matches and moments at MSG spanning all generations of WWE. Along with interviews from several WWE legends and Superstars, fans will relive several of the key moments in history that shaped the WWE of today."

2 matches have leaked...

* John Cena wins the 2008 Royal Rumble

* Shawn Michaels vs Razor Ramon at WrestleMania 10

Bruno Sammartino will also be heavily featured.


WWE want The Undertaker and Kane vs The Shield as the main match at this years Summer spectacular. No word yet if Daniel Bryan will be involved, or if the Shield will still be at 3 members then but Kofi has been working with Team Hell No vs The Shield this week so there is a potential clue to a possible 8 man tag.

WWE roster changes:

WWE are set to freshen up their rosters, but have insisted it will be promotion from NXT and new signings to the developmental group not cuts from the talent pool. However they would not rule out releases definitively, so some stars may be sweating their futures.

Stephanie McMahon:

Stephanie McMahon has been named as the driving force behind the WWE's Community outreach programs.

Antonio Cesaro:

After a critically acclaimed performance vs Kofi Kingston last week on Main Event, WWE allowed Cesaro to choose his opponent for this weeks show, he picked Randy Orton.


Sting has talked to WrestleTalk TV in the UK about the future of TNA...

"We're in a good place. The company has definitely matured. We started with the fair grounds in Nashville, TN when I first came on. The idea was if I came, maybe others would follow. It's happened and it's been phenomenal. We're in 120 countries now and the brand has grown. It's a brand that's very well known, especially here in this area [the UK] and very well received."

He also discusses, Jeff Hardy's personal turnaround, stars of the future and much more, the interview is / was aired on Challenge TV on Sunday.

TNA time change:

Dixie Carter has announced that from May 30 Impact's start time will be pushed back an hour to 9/8C on Spike.

WWE list WCW's 20 most ridiculous moments:

20 - Sting Gets attacked by Scott Steiner's Dogs
19 - Hulk Hogan sees The Ultimate Warrior in his mirror
18 - Raven and Kanyon go shopping to Versace
17 - Jerry Flynn's ''Block''
16 - WCW vs Battle Dome
15 - Hacksaw Jim Duggan hates America
14 - Ring Announcer accidentally wins the WCW belt
13 - Oklahama joins the Cruiserweights
12 - Ric Flair is sectioned
11 - Jimmy Hart Wrestles a Radio Host
10 - Hogan lays down for Sting
9 - Junk Yard Rumbles
8 - Bagwell's protest
7 - Minnesota Massacre Match
6 - Brian Knobbs thrown from balcony by Meng
5 - Master P vs Curt Hennig
4 - Bischoff & Russo reboot WCW
3 - Sid run down by Monster Truck
2 - The Dog drinks from a public urinal
1 - Hogan vs The Wall

John Morrison talks to WWE.Com:


Fan post:

Dylan J.B. ( offers his thoughts on TNA's cancellation in New Zealand...

New Zealand Wrestling Fans Unite 

By Dylan J. B

So Impact Wrestling has been cancelled from The Box. This came as a shock to me as I was preparing my usual Saturday night ritual. My snacks and beverages were all collected and ready for a night of Total Nonstop Action, however the usual timeslot seems to be taken. My show is not on. I rush to Google and start searching for answers, I find out that the termination date was set for late April. 

Now I'm trying to work out the reasons behind this. The Box have never promoted the show heavy like they do the WWE. I have only seen two or three ads for Impact Wrestling in the whole time it's been on New Zealand TV, I have never seen ANY promotion for one of their PPV's. Now The Box/Sky TV say they cancelled the show because of poor ratings.... Maybe because they took priority over WWE advertising instead?

TNA have some of the most famous and recognized faces in professional wrestling, Hulk Hogan, Sting, Kurt Angle, Jeff Hardy, AJ Styles to name a few. At one stage in 2012 Hulk Hogan even said he wants to bring TNA Impact Wrestling to New Zealand, yet they still get put on the chopping block. 

As you could tell I was furious and annoyed over this, my Saturday night of wrestling had been destroyed and crushed. I once again go back to Google, this time I find a Facebook page trying to save the show and keep it on New Zealand TV. This page leads me to searching for others like it, I find one which leads me to Sommet Sports. There had already been some talk of this new channel picking up Impact Wrestling over the various Facebook pages. So I head over to their page and leave a comment of support. Within an hour they reply saying they will be picking up TNA Impact Wrestling for a 3-month trial! 

Annoyance has turned to happiness. This great Wrestling show will be back on New Zealand screens soon enough. An alternative to the WWE which we all know is needed. The Box have dropped the ball on this. I encourage all New Zealand fans to really get behind Sommet Sports and show some real support.

I don't normally write things like this, I rarely write any of my thoughts down. But this issue really got to me. I know some people like to talk bad about this company, but I really see them as a good show compared to the WWE. After years and years of having the WWE rammed down our throats, I really think it's time for something new. Don't get me wrong, I'm not a WWE hater, I still watch the show from time to time. I also watch ROH and various Japanese promotions. I think more wrestling shows is good for everyone, having only one will get stale and boring fairly quickly. I look forward to Impact Wrestling coming back to New Zealand television soon, it already feels too long. 

Thanks for reading.

Links to pages mentioned in this piece... (1, 2, 3).

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