Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Today's News

Title match stip added:

John Cena vs Ryback for the WWE Title at Extreme Rules, will be a last man standing match.

Sheamus vs Mark Henry has also been confirmed for the card.

Triple H vs Brock is expected to be the main event.

Brock vs Rock:

WWE subtly started the Rock vs Brock Lesnar stories on Raw last night, during Brock's attack at WWE HQ, he looked at a poster of The Rock for this years Royal Rumble this was to hint at what is to come. The segment was taped last week.

Jerry Lawler to return to the ring:

The King Jerry Lawler has accepted his first competitive booking since suffering a heart attack live on Raw last year, he will team with fellow Hall Of Famer Dory Funk on May 25th for Funk's promotion.


The Miz missed Raw last night because filming of his Christmas Movie overran, the shoot is now completed so he is free to return next week.

The Rock:

The Rock's media trip to the UK has been pulled, doctors have refused him permission to fly, following his recent surgery.

New WWE merch deals signed:

WWE have signed off on two new deals today, firstly with Funko, who will produce a new line of Vinyl Action Figures and a 3D Board Game.

The other is with Cardinal Games, they will make WWE themed puzzles and card games.

Brodus talks being bumped:

Brodus Clay has revealed the disappointment he felt at been bumped from this years WrestleMania...

''Actually the way we were told was with the utmost class- as best you could in that situation. We were told in Gorilla [position] five minutes before we were supposed to go out. And for me personally, it was devastating. You know, we worked so hard - it was going to be a big night. But I took a different route in terms of expressing - I wanted to be positive. I thought about my fans and the kids and stuff. I can teach from this, we can learn from this. This is a great lesson in terms of life and it wasn't an easy decision but I had put a Tweet out about like, 'In life, sometimes you gotta get your heart broke to know what you love.' And it got a huge response from the fans and then I said- I put another one out saying '365 to redemption. We will get back. We will get our opportunity. We will work harder. We'll put ourselves in a position where they can't possibly cut us, due to time constraints.' And it's just kind of grown. And now I'm actually in day- I chronologize each day until Wrestlemania. We're at day 24 today. I start out with positive words about how we're gonna approach the day and focus on our goals. And it's gotten a really big response from the fans."

DDP inducts Jake:

Video is footage of Diamond Dallas Page inducting Jake The Snake Roberts into the Cauliflower Alley Club Hall Of Fame...

Maria to horror flick:

Maria Kanellis has joined the cast of Army Of The Damned.

Simon Dean responds to Hardcore Holly:

Bob Holly called Simon Dean a ''Stooge'' in his biog, Simon (Real name Mike Bucci), did not take kindly to it and has responded via his Facebook with an epic rant on Hardcore Bob...

"Personally, he was despised by all who ever met him for being an a--hole bully who sucked the air out of every room he ever came into. Every person I ever knew in WWE hated the guy, with good reason. He was always miserable and treated everyone like crap. From taking liberties on Matt Capottelli (and to this day , how anyone can condone what happened, is truly insane) to beating up his fellow-drug-addict-loser-travel partner Rene Dupree, Bob showed his true colors, unless of course, the victims name was Brock Lesner, and then we all know how that worked out.

He was also the biggest 'stooge' in company history as he spent more time on the road and TV in Johnny's office than Johnny's suit coat did! If you blinked the wrong way or sneezed , good old Plug was off to the races to Johnny, Vince, Taker or JBL..didn't matter who, that was how he stirred up sh** constantly for no reason, hence the reason he was there for so long. I don't care about stating the obvious , due to the fact I'm not going back to WWE either, so I guess that makes me and Bob equal...

In thinking about it, I don't actually hate Bob. I pity him. You know why? Because of his ruined legacy and how he went out. Is Bob working as an agent or trainer? No. Is he in TNA or any other company? No. Even the few indys that had him never wanted him back. His 'wrestling industry christmas card list' is probably 5 people long and no one has ever had a good word to say about him. Every agent who ever had his matches hated dealing with him and his lousy attitude.

Finally, lets all take a look at how Robert was cast off from the gates of the WWE. Did creative have nothing for him? No. Did he refuse a new contract? No. Did he get injured. No. His dismisal came after he was basically found crawling around backstage STEALING drugs from his 'brothers'. This had been going on for a while, so finally someone (Ken Kennedy, and good for him) decided to tell the office that Sticky Fingers had to go. And that was that...

In closing , this will be the only time I address this misfit. The guy who pumped my gas this morning meant more to me than Bob ever did. In fact, he probably meant more, due to the fact he had a smile on his face and was a pleasure to be around..."

WWE to charge:

WWE are to take advantage on YouTube's new subscription service and will charge for the footage they post to their channel.

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